Is it possible to use a metal halide power supply to run a HPS bulb? I have an old MH power supply and some HPS bulbs, just wondering if its worth my effort to get a reflector and cable to run it.
Hey if i were you i would not use a hps bulb in a mh ballest you can end up with real problems like that.
However they do make a conversion bulb for that depending on what watts you are running.
just check with your hydro store or you can do a search on the web
It is possible... you just need to buy an Ignitor and wire it all together... however.... if your not sure what you are doing... i would say it would be safer to just find a used HPS ballast on ebay or at your local hydro store.
Many growers send in their ballast for repair and never pick them up, I have often thought either they stopped growing or got busted or..? Any way the hydro stores sometimes have pretty new just from the factory-repaired ballast for sale. I bought several Hydrofarms for a song, no dance lol. Conversion bulbs are very inefficient, its better to get the correct ballast!