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Mexican Cartels - From Cannabis to Opium


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Mexico City (AFP) - The growing legalization of cannabis in the United States is forcing Mexico's drug cartels to rethink their illicit business model, turning to opium poppy plantations and domestic pot consumption, experts say.

Interesting story. Can't recall how I ended up on Yahoo news, nor do I want to...

The US heroin market was worth an estimated $27 billion in 2010. But marijuana is a more lucrative business, worth $41 billion that same year, according to US government figures.

Are we number one now, or do we all have to kick it into high gear until we knock cocaine out of the top spot?


Active member
no brick weed in my neck of the woods in se usa yet this year. zip. nota. first time.

we're taking the scrap outdoor bud and spraying with a light extract (qwiso) thinned out oil and then lightly compressing it. the sticky thin oil enables the clumps to form and stay formed as.... clumps. :) smells pretty good;commercial smell. goes out cheap and fast. market still there, no supply.

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
I'm glad I don't have to spray my buds with shit. Can't trust anything these days. Remember when drugs were safe????

GreeeeN GRassss

duppy conqueror
at least the heroine isnt as bad as the crocodile drug coming in from russia.

watched it on drugs inc during the week. horrific scenes


Active member
ICMag Donor
krokodil ? saw that on VICE, you have to be very stupid to try it. Zero appeal what so ever.

GreeeeN GRassss

duppy conqueror
ye i agree zero appeal in the Western world when heroine is cheap, in russia its 550 dollars for a gram of heroine and 50 for krokodil.

10 times stronger then heroine and any one can make it cheaply.


They will just send more workers here to grow illegally... its a market guys.. they arnt gonna miss out on the MMJ market.. you know they have 'mafia' figures in MMJ too.. haha its funny.. because when someone covets a strain so much that they know they can hype it up. People will buy it.. its business is it not? Opium will always come from SEA in my heart :)


Active member
ICMag Donor
That krokodil stuff is just desomorphine made in a crude way. The drug itself is addictive like morphine and heroin. The impurities from the black market drug are what cause the gruesome side effects when injected. Pure desomorphine would be no worse than legal opiates like oxycodone.

I haven't seen Mexican brick weed since the 90s. Possibly because I started growing in 2000.
Decriminalize drugs.

Provide ultra clean drugs and apparatus to addicts.

Provide addicts with treatments that work.

This is all possible...It's not a pipe dream...the evidence for harm reduction is there...

Goverment = cartel

Seeing that image on the first page of the kid with the...the what do you even call that... in a seemingly uncontrollable apathetic daze will forever haunt me. You can't sum up this world wide epidemic any more vividly than that.
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