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Meet my new freinds!


Active member
here are a few of my best new friends :)





You have a frog in your garden? hahaha awesome

I hope that isnt one of those frogs that start screetching at night.


Active member
I grow for med users I never use anything except all Natural.
I love my new freinds but becareful some of our freinds can turn out to be our worst nightmares!


This Brown widow spider has the same kick as her famous cousin the Black Widow Spider there were lots of these babies in there too! So I am very Careful when I go moving things around!!


cooked cook

bake at 420 until nicely toasted
check out Mister Natural!

check out Mister Natural!

Very nice Aquaman. I personally would like to get some praying mantisses. They are just too cool to watch and will patrol with authority. There are TONS of mantisses around my outdoor crop. Everywhere I look. Nice work bro.


Active member
Oh yeah they are the Bad Boys of the Garden for sure! will grab my camera next time I see one. if I have time. seems like the good stuff is there when I leave my camera at home!
Had a Coral Snake the other day there was like damn wheres the camera when you want one!!!


Croc hunter with Seeds :)


Kermit looks so peaceful and chill. Cool little buddies you got there. They make me happy.

Edit: Yowzers! Just saw that bitch! I hate spiders. LOL. :eek:


I had a lizard in my growroom for months. I named him Stoney. He came out to chill every time I was there. I even started feeding him pincher bugs, his very favorite. We were great freinds until a friend stepped on him by accident.

RIP Stoney, damn I miss that lizard. :)


very very cool pic.......i like that you are growing natural .... even the idea of a widow and a coral snake cruising around only gives it more character .........PEACE
Nice pics Aquaman.those are the kinds of animals I dont mind outside.the ones that drive me crazy down here in florida are the rabbit and deer.they have enjoyed my outdoor crops more then I have:rolleyes:
how about the...

how about the...

alligators or crocks, or whatever they are? I was in florida for a week a few years ago, and when I was playing golf I damn near stepped on one. Damn near soiled myself too, hehe.

aquaman, thats crazy that you have frogs in your garden. When where they discovered? The spiders would make me nervous though, I hate spiders. Especially ones that make you swell and get sick and all that.

oh yeah, almost forgot..

*pours a 40oz on the curb for phototronics dead homie*

peace, and stay safe....that has 2 meanings for aquaman now, hehe