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Meaningless spew



Kinda like the old Water Cooler...

Good to see Almost everyone made it over here....

I'm still busy trying to put this house together but promise to check in at least once a day...

Your Friend and mine....

Gunns :moon:


good morning guns :wave: and any one else who might be hanging around ...........

am sitting here drinkin coffee and watching the birds at my feeder ....dang i really have turned into my grandmother ...:wink:


...Speaking of meaningless spew...

...Speaking of meaningless spew...

I was discussing the "exodus" of the faithful from the two besieged enclaves with a good friend and long-time member of both sites...

He brought up an interesting point... and as far as I know, he may be right.

Has ANYONE seen any REAL evidence of the reported "bust"?? One poster put a good news story that COULD have been it, but everyone "in the know" denied that was the case...literally...

A bust of that magnitude is SURE to make the news....

The question he asked was "WHAT IF... it's all a scam??" ...who profits??? maybe one way for "going out of business" ..????

All the ducks are in a row.. just waiting to be shot!

..or is he and I just seeing ghosts??


Hey Arch,,
I had a great time in interlaken :yes:. It was bad timing on our part in a way. We arrived and got to the hotel just as the planes hit the towers in NY :badday: :badday: :badday: Spent 10 daze waiting on air to get back home but for those 10 daze :spin: :woohoo: . Top ten bodies of water in the world. The steepest vinicular in Europe. They also have a place that you take a lift to the top and you can drink and look at most of the alps from the vantage point. It was to windy in sept and started snowing too hard to see very far though. The swiss need no one but are very friendly. They make there own power, food and they use everything that nature gives them and they use it well.

I think it is the only country to make every boy at age 16 go in to the military for training, this I was told by a local when comsuming large amount of alcohol so I'm not sure on that one:bat:

I want to go back but there is so much of the world yet to see. Spain in '07 :woohoo:


Thanks HappyCabbie...

..I suspected as much after my friend got me to thinking...

If that is the case, RC has a whole BOATLOAD of asswhippin comin his way... you have NO IDEA at the concern and shock and destroyed grows this has caused...



Ah, the 'Dam. A great place to get drunk and stoned and stumble around. Oh, yeah, and by the way, you have to do something really, really bad to get thrown in jail.

Sex and Drugs and Rock 'N Roll!


..is anyone ELSE starting to get SUPER suspicious of the RC thingy????

I must say, my friend who advanced the theory has been on the "inside" for many years.... he knows stuff we only guess at...

DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY PROOF that RC was officially popped??? If so, I would LOVE to see it....

Spew on!

Why the hell can't they just leave good enough alone?!? Take Cremora. They just had to go and new and improve it so now it tastes like toe dandruff (don't ask me how I know). We stopped buying it, smart improvement.

Or Brach's Red Licorice. The number one brand (if only in my mind) of red licorice on the planet (possibly the universe) and they discontinue it. Bastards! Thank goodness for Haribo Gummi Bears or I'd might have gone postal.

Nike Waffles, vinyl, Monster Movie Matinee, hand crank windows (with the corner vent), McDonald's fries cooked in lard, Carrol's, my virginity and many more good things gone, all gone.

I got the spew all over me, and it feels like boohoo.



I was thinking of a message thread too Gunny, thanks for doing the deed. I was missing the daily check-in and insults.

I am settling in well enough here, I like the warm feeling of a server that is in Amsterdam, though I miss the lively comraderie of OG.

It will take a few days to get some pix together due to computer woes and work to be done, but I think that we will all get a good show going again soon.

Let me know if there is anything that I can do to help. Well, other than staying pretty stoned.........which I have got covered! :D



good morning people :wave:

hb ....if yall wana blab on and on about this og crap go find an appropriate forum and thread .....there are only about 3,000 of em out there .........

sorry its giving me a head ache ......and it acomplishes? :smile:

bb let me know when and if u get a grow thread up and going would love to gaze upon your beauties......yup the withdraw is huge ....thank goodness we had a place or two to land ...... :smoke:

am going on a little road trip this weekend .....see if i can find me an old fart stoner to hang out with :wink:


ichbingeil said:
Spew on!

Why the hell can't they just leave good enough alone?!? Take Cremora. They just had to go and new and improve it so now it tastes like toe dandruff (don't ask me how I know). We stopped buying it, smart improvement.

Or Brach's Red Licorice. The number one brand (if only in my mind) of red licorice on the planet (possibly the universe) and they discontinue it. Bastards! Thank goodness for Haribo Gummi Bears or I'd might have gone postal.

Nike Waffles, vinyl, Monster Movie Matinee, hand crank windows (with the corner vent), McDonald's fries cooked in lard, Carrol's, my virginity and many more good things gone, all gone.

I got the spew all over me, and it feels like boohoo.


LOL - Thanks for making my morning a bit brighter! :biglaugh:

RL - What time you lookin' at?

I will do what I can to keep everyone in this forum/thread updated so you don't have to go searching around. All these conspiracies were pissing me off but now some of them are actually making me laugh and those who are jumping on all the various conspiracy band wagons.... I'm laughing even harder at! LOL :joint: :chin: :moon:


will be about an hr later then i thought gunns ......sorry got hung up with work....:)


..well now river.. who died and appointed you thread cop???

I'll post ANYTHING I want ... ANYWHERE I want... and NO ONE but a MOD can do a damn thing about it!

....mmmmkaaaayyyyyy???? :moon:

btw, thanks for the link Gunns... I haven't seen or heard ANYTHING but rumor and speculation...



Hello all! I am also getting fed up w/ all the BS & would like to see at least
one God damned thread were it is NOT mentioned......givin' me an achin' head too!
:deadhorse < Talk about yer floggin'! :rolleyes: :biglaugh:
Hey River...have a great road trip.:D Wish I could go w/ ya!
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My little pony.. my little pony
HellBoy said:
..well now river.. who died and appointed you thread cop???

I'll post ANYTHING I want ... ANYWHERE I want... and NO ONE but a MOD can do a damn thing about it!

....mmmmkaaaayyyyyy???? :moon:

Now, now, Veruca. Watch out for that chute.


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