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Master Thai Oil 4 Peace



I'm just dumbfounded that people still make hash oil this was, this method of extraction is from the 70's its not only outdated but inferior to BHO. Im not trying to "diss" your method Master Thai but BHO is far better and its not as dangerous as you are lead to believe, I have had a friend light a cig indoors while I was making some BHO before and no KaBoom. Precautions are nessecary though.

I just think all you iso guys will flip at the difference in taste and quality from ISO to BHO, also oil is best from a glass vapo pipe that the dopers use. With the dope pipe you can get a 100% oil hit not like smoking it on top of pot wich burns up before the oil and then taste like crap.



I also have some 200 proof ethanol I was trying to find a use for. I really am no fan of oils due to contamination. However ethanol is non toxic. The problem with this extraction is you extracted way too much chlorophyl. This why the red leb and afghan oils were so good. They started with hash that the main contaminant is dust (non soluble) and has very little chlorophyl. So I was thinking of using it to purify my lower grade hash possibly making something quite good.


I was just giving an estimate on the age of this tecnique because I'm a youngster to you guys the 60's and 70's were before my time I'm only 21. But I've been smoking daily since I was 14 and I have allways hung out with older folks because of the knowledge they posess and I want.

Master Thai-- As far as the butane goes I will pay the extra just like I assume you would for better weed, and I have made a big batch of BHO before 1/4 lb of dank skunk weed to be exact and it produced around 20grms of golden tasty skunk oil, and the main reason I prefer making BHO to ISO is the length of the process, ISO takes a few days and BHO takes 5min(takes longer to break the weed up than to make the oil)


Dude I think your taking what I said wrong, I wasnt knocking your iso method.

Dank1 says: "Its hard to understand 3rd person speech in a forum while very stoned."


honey oil addict
you speak of yourself in third person, then never mind the questionable content of your sentences... people gonna think yer loopy anyhow!


Me whoopy loopy 2 :~> LOL HMK
@zamalito : this is what you get :



_ ° 0 _
. :sasmokin: