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Mars Passing



Hey you guys know that on agust 27 mars is passing as close as it ever was in 6oooooooo years or something like that.

I dont know i i have been getting a lot of males in my grow and i am wondering if this has any thing to do with it? Whats happening with you guys?


Active member
wasn't the last time that the mars came closer than since 6000000000 million years just two or three years ago?


well not that long only 6oooo. sorry i did not have my facts strait.
heres some more info http://www.nasa.gov/vision/universe/watchtheskies/18jun_approachingmars.html

I Know that the moon afects the way the weed grows. if it can change the tides of the whole sea it will have an influeance on a ity bity plant. If the moon could do stuff why cant mars? just i noticed i am getting lots of males and a have been talking to some Farmers around here that report the same thing.

anyhow lets set up a 600000000 milion year test grow to find out ogdread


Active member
i have a moongrow calendar, unfortunately its no longer available in english, only german.
You should look around, i'm pretty sure that you'll find an english one.

Farmers have gone by this kind of calendar for centuries.



I know that people have planted with the moon for meny years i am just wondering if mars has an efect on the weed


Active member
here is a pic from the last time mars was so close
for years i was told that mars was "the north star" or "never never land"

Anyone see that IMAX film about mars? crazy stuff

Sorry so offtopic, i love space


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