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Marijuana Weekly News Roundup


ICMag Donor
Paul Ausick August 23, 2015 7:45 am EDT

Colorado officials reported last week that the state had collected $44 million in tax revenues from cannabis sales in the the first five months of 2015. In the same period last year the state’s collections totaled a rather disappointing $25 million. The state is collecting so much, in fact, that legislators fear that the state’s taxpayer bill of rights (TABOR) will kick in and force the state to issue refund checks to taxpayers. A bill in the Colorado House would allow the state to keep the money, but has already caused lawmakers to cut the sales tax on marijuana from 10% to 8% starting in July of 2017.
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Here’s a rundown on other stories related to marijuana that made news this week.
Some Illinois Health Systems Say No to Medical Marijuana
Patients must have a doctor’s signature to buy medical marijuana in Illinois, but some health systems are forbidding doctors from putting pen to paper because the drug is still illegal at the federal level.
Others are cautiously allowing doctors to participate in the pilot program, even conducting training sessions to make sure doctors know their legal responsibilities as gatekeepers.
Illinois is among 23 states that permit marijuana for medical use, but the program has been slow to start since the law was enacted two years ago. Seven cultivation centers have been green-lighted to start growing cannabis; sales will begin later this year.
Read more at the DeKalb Daily Chronicle.
Menominee Tribal Members Approve On-Reservation Marijuana Use
Now that Menominee tribal members have told their legislators to legalize marijuana, the difficult task begins of designing a profitable weed operation that does not result in the tribe or its customers getting busted.
“Tribes are treading on very dangerous grounds” when it comes to growing and selling marijuana, warned Dorothy Alther, director ofCalifornia Indian Legal Services. “If I was representing tribes out there (in Wisconsin) I would say it might not be such a good idea.”
Just last month two California tribes were raided by federal and state authorities who said they seized at least 12,000 marijuana plants and more than 100 pounds of processed marijuana.
Read more at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.
California NAACP Files Road Rules for California Cannabis Legislation in 2016
Today, the California NAACP filed a ballot initiative with the Secretary of State to legalize cannabis for adult use in the state’s 2016 general election. The California Hawaii NAACP’s initiative entitled “Community Act to Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis of 2016” is signed by director Alice Huffman.
We’re getting reports that the NAACP isn’t actually going to run its own initiative, but has submitted model language as a show of support for the 2016 effort. Huffman and the NAACP are working with the main group, dubbed, ReformCA.
The NAACP initiative represents another watershed moment in the history of minority support for pot policy reform.

Read more: Marijuana Weekly News Roundup - 24/7 Wall St. http://247wallst.com/consumer-products/2015/08/23/marijuana-weekly-news-roundup-5/#ixzz3jeFbSold


ICMag Donor
Wow!!! Seems the tax money is pouring in...

The state doesn't want to hive it back and if I recall correctly, education was one of the recipients of said taxes...

Here's an idea...
Since the fed won't fund marijuana studies, how about allocating some of those extras for some studies to be done at our universities.
Win win win


ICMag Donor
Here's an idea...
Since the fed won't fund marijuana studies, how about allocating some of those extras for some studies to be done at our universities.
Win win win

I'm sure our 'refund" will be paltry at best. Your idea sounds great....why not contact our "local representation....pitch that to them. Worth a try, right? I'll write my local reps.