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"Marijuana Is No Longer A Gateway Drug"

Genghis Kush

Active member
"If there’s one piece of advice we remember school counselors drilling into our heads, it’s that marijuana is a gateway drug. What makes a gateway drug? “A drug that opens the door to the use of other, harder drugs. Gateway drugs are typically inexpensive and readily available,” according to the Drug Abuse Resistance Education program (D.A.R.E.)
The discussion surrounding marijuana can be pretty confusing. Some experts say it’s innocuous under certain conditions, while some say it’s a toxic substance to be avoided at all costs — until now.
D.A.R.E has been instrumental over the years in promoting drug abstinence. But now, the organization is rethinking their strategy.
On Wednesday, a Redditor noticed that mysteriously, marijuana was no longer listed among D.A.R.E.'s other, arguably more harmful counterparts of tobacco and alcohol. The only mention of marijuana on the page falls under tobacco, citing the drug as a reason why many teens resort to cigarettes.

Leafly reached out to D.A.R.E to find out why they made the switch. Regional director, Ron Brogan said “I suppose it could have come out as part of our new curriculum, ‘Keepin’ It Real,’ and that may be the thought of the scientist that developed that,” he said. “To be quite honest, I really don’t have an answer.”
With several states nationwide legalizing (or at least decriminalizing) the drug, there ought to be a nugget of truth to its healing properties. But those benefits don’t apply to teens. Research shows marijuana use among those with developing young brains can cause cognitive decline, poor attention and memory, and decreased IQ.

So, we’re not mom or dad, nor your school counselor, but just because marijuana is no longer considered as a precursor for worse things to come, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t exercise caution. Frequent use of cannabis definitely isn't recommended for teens.
“It needs to be emphasized that regular cannabis use, which we consider once a week, is not safe and may result in addiction and neurocognitive damage, especially in youth,” said Krista Lisdahl, PhD, director of the brain imaging and neuropsychology lab at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee."

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Well-known member

Roundup too, once in you never get out, .....ask your soils ?


Active member
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Research shows marijuana use among those with developing young brains can cause cognitive decline, poor attention and memory, and decreased IQ

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]That really annoys me when I see that used. Because I remember when it first came out. It was a small study, just 40 kids, and they took the low scorers, or underachievers, or kids diagnosed psychotic, and asked them if they ever smoked pot. A majority said yes. So there you have it, pot cause brain damage.Then the media jumped all over it, repeating and repeating that crap. So now the high flatulent American Psychiatric Association did a data interogation, and guess what, they found exactly what they were being paid to look for. Case closed.

To me, when they say canned crap like that, it just means DARE has no clue whatever it is they're talking about.

Genghis Kush

Active member
American Psychiatric Association was created by Tavistock and is run by the CIA.

That's not a conspiracy theory, I read it in a New York Times article on the use of psychological torture at CIA detention centers in Iraq.

The APA sanctioned the techniques and the article said it was because the CIA basically runs the APA.

Mind Control of the masses.