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'Marijuana Diet': Weight Loss Strategy Could Take Bite Out of US Debt?


ICMag Donor
'Marijuana Diet': Weight Loss Strategy Could Take Bite Out of US Debt?
Nov 1,2013 Author Art Glass has a proposal meant to solve many problems at once.

Last month, author Art Glass announced a new book, The Marijuana Diet, in which he explains how smoking pot "can help anyone achieve permanent weight loss and vibrant overall health." According to the press release, Glass has spent years developing the diet. Moreover, the 66-year-old has apparently used the diet to lose 65 pounds. His dieting bookwas released as an
e-book on Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN) last week.

"By smoking only 1 to 3 inhales of marijuana, and including superfood, juicing, green smoothies and intermittent fasting, any reader can enhance their weight loss and shed the pounds quickly and for good," claims Glass, who has a background in advertising, marketing, and promotion. In 1976, he produced the first ever Diet and Nutrition Expo, which he describes as "the grandfather of all the holistic health shows in the US."

But hang on a second, doesn't smoking pot make you hungry for unhealthy snacks like those from munchies purveyors Frito-Lay (NYSE:pEP) and Taco Bell (NYSE:YUM)? The two companies recently joined forces to create the ultimate in stoner cuisine, the Doritos Taco Loco, whose hard shell is like one big Doritos chip.

Addressing this potential problem with a pot diet, Glass wrote, "Despite the munchies myth, there are recent scientific studies that link marijuana and weight loss. Yes, marijuana smokers do eat more – but they ultimately end up having thinner waistlines and lower blood sugar.”

In fact, there is science to back up The Marijuana Diet. A
study undertaken by researchers from the University of Nebraska, Harvard, and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center found a significant association between marijuana use and smaller waist circumference. The study, which was published in the Journal of American Medicine, examined 4,567 adults, 570 of whom regularly smoked pot, and found that marijuana users also had 16% lower levels of insulin than non-smoking peers. Insulin is one of the major hormones responsible for regulating the body's metabolism of fat and carbohydrates, meaning pot smokers are likely less prone to developing Type II Diabetes.

Glass' book features "simple fun 'sofa exercises' that will tighten your body in as little as four minutes a day." He also explains how to buy marijuana under the radar of law enforcement in all 50 states. Glass acknowledges that issues of legality will block the full adoption of his diet so he also advocates for full legalization.

As the press release states:

Glass believes that legalizing marijuana and hemp will bring $250 billion into the economy annually. This includes taxes on marijuana and government, police, and prison enforcement savings. In addition, the agricultural, manufacturing, and retail industries will all greatly benefit by the sales of hemp and hemp products. This is a huge cash flow opportunity for the agricultural industry that America needs now.
Indeed, the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) has predicted that full legalization of marijuana would bring, on the low end of their estimates, $12.4 billion to the US economy in excise and sales taxes, law enforcement savings, and benefits to the industrial hemp industry. According to another study from Colorado State University, taxes from the production and sale of marijuana would produce over $130 million for Colorado's revenue in 2014 (Colorado passed an amendment to its constitution last November that legalized marijuana, though with certain limits).

With his new menu for weight loss, Glass is hoping to reach "tens of million of Americans" who are fed up with the status quo. After all, Glass believes that the legalization of marijuana "is a solution to the obesity problem, the health problem, the job problem, and the debt problem."

(See also: The Minyanville PotFolio: 20 Stocks to Play the Continued Legalization of Marijuana)



Active member
They're going to find that it's mainly attributable to the Cannabidiol (CBD) content in the cannabis that's being used.

There's a study out there with rats. They fed them well and then gave them THC alone, CBD alone and a couple other cannabinoid variations.

The rats that were given the THC alone (Like a Marinol pill) ended up eating again when they were already full and also ate more than any other study group.

The rats that were given straight CBD did not eat when they were already full and ended up eating the least amount of food overall... of any other group in the study.

CBD man... that's where it's at :D

Prohibition has actually caused most of the CBD to be bred out of mainstream cannabis... Suckko!

Keep it Clean! ;D


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I can lose a pound a day fasting easy. I think more studies need to be done and remove the variables that could also lead to weight loss.


"Marijuana Diet': Weight Loss Strategy Could Take Bite Out of US Debt?" - Somebody's clutching at straws aren't they lol, still, interesting that mj lowers insulin, didn't know that.


Active member
I can lose a pound a day fasting easy.
Yeah... but it pops right back on when you eat.

Blood type diet is awesome for weight loss and a ton of other things... Gotta do it right though or it won't work.

Wife lost 100lbs on it last year... still wanting to implement some type of exercise program, one of these days. She loses a few pounds a week, as long as she stays off chem/processed foods and sticks to neutral beneficial foods.

We don't portion anything or count calories or any of that garbage... choosing your food that way works.

Cannabis just makes things easier. LOL

Keep it Clean! :D


When legalized, companies can then really study the benefits of marijuana for whatever use. Aside from medical use, they can also it as a god form of supplement or vitamin for some people.

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