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Making my own 250w HPS Ballast and Hood


Custom User Title
Alright, I'd like to get a 250w HPS light with an aircooled hood. I'd like to make the hood myself, using the guide found on the DIY Octagonal Reflector thread, and add a glass bottom to it. I'd put a 4" hole in two sides and have it air cooled, completely seperate from my grow chamber. The thing is, the bulb and the ballast kit I'm looking at cost like $3 less than a complete setup.

250w HPS Bulb $69.95
250w HPS Ballast Kit $44.45
250w HPS Complete System $117.95

Would it be easier to just buy the whole system, detach the bulb and socket from that hood, and put it in my own hood? The ballast would be all put together and have a nice housing, all wired, and the bulb is included. Am I just looking at really expensive kits, or what's the deal here?


Pass That S**t!
I would buy a complete security light kit instead and convert it to a remote ballast growlight. Thats what i did for my 400w hps grow light.

This is one of the best deals you can find on a 250w hps security light ($85): http://www.e-conolight.com/Product/EProductDetail.asp?ProductFamilyID=3&FGNumber=E-HR3H25QZ

It comes with with a ballast, bulb and socket (you'd have to disassemble the security light). You'll save about 30+ dollors, which gives you enogh dough for your DIY reflector.
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Active member
Yes check out e-conolight. I've ordered a few times from them, I just bought the ballast and bulbs from them and made my own stuff too, they are real cheap. 49 for a 250. They dont have the specialty bulbs, like your looking at. I just use the a standard hps for 7 bucks. you will need the base for the bulb (medium or mogul), I'm sure they have them for about 5 dollars.
Here is my mess a 400hps and a 150, thier are 2 150's in thier now, oh well. 700 watts is probably more than i need but it's fun.

Hey pontiac, how goes the grow? :wave:


Pass That S**t!
Hey bostrom! I Just harvested check it out!

Btw, are you doing a grow diary? I'd love to see that setup in action.


Active member
pontiac said:
Hey bostrom! I Just harvested check it out!

Btw, are you doing a grow diary? I'd love to see more of that setup in action.
The only time I get pics is when my buddy brings his over about once a week or two, looking at getting one in a month or so. tried the 20 and 50 dollar one. :yoinks: they suck, I'll wait for a good one. About 120 or so is starting the decent ones.
Should have the cam again this week end.


Custom User Title
Alright, I called up Home Depot today and they're got a 3'x3' sheet of metal flashing, which should be fine for what I need, for like $20. So I figure...

Flashing (for hood) = $20
Bulb = $12
Remote Ballast Kit = $60
4" Ducting = ?
4" Ducting Flanges = ?
84cfm PC Fan = $5.00
18"x18" Sheet of glass = ?

Total = < $150 possibly?

I don't think I'm going to go with the octagonal hood, I mean... I'll be growing in a square area, so I might as well have a square hood for the most efficient lighting. I was thinking an 18"x18" square at the bottom, with the whole thing in a pyramid like shape. Once I get some plans together I'll definitely post them up. Thanks for the help everyone!


Active member
ok so i have a question.
i need a 250watt hps and i could very easily buy this flood light and build an air-cooled hood. is the 250watt hps floodlight at e-conolight the same quality as most other hps bulbs that you would buy from a hydro store?

thanks for your help.peace


Custom User Title
darrinjefferson said:
ok so i have a question.
i need a 250watt hps and i could very easily buy this flood light and build an air-cooled hood. is the 250watt hps floodlight at e-conolight the same quality as most other hps bulbs that you would buy from a hydro store?

thanks for your help.peace

The bulbs hydro and garden stores sell are a little brighter, more lumens, and about 4x more expensive. I don't know if they make a huge difference, but I don't know that it's worth the cost to spend $50 instead of $12 if you're on a budget. Personally, I"ll be going with the standard HPS. The complete 250w HPS setup from htgsupply.com is a great deal, and you get a specialized growing light.
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I got myself 2 of the 150W HPS lights from e-conolight and bolted them together. Then made a hood from flashing sheetmetal that went over everything & hooked up my ventilation to it. Was very simple to do & saved me from taking things apart. Works great!!
