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Making Grinder Hash/Oil

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
I don't know if this is a crazy idea, or if everybody's doing it and I just don't know about it.

I hate to waste all the trichomes that accumulate in my grinder (on the blades, not the stuff that falls through the screen). So I was wondering what would happen if I soaked the grinder in alcohol, then saved the alcohol and evaporated it. Anybody ever try this? Would it work? Would I end up with the equivalent of iso oil?


Well-known member
every time i clean it.. lol. i pour it into a jar.. once said jar is full. i evap...amazing shit for edibles. dabbings its ok but sometimes it can be dark.. lots of crushed up greens..


Well-known member
Your grinder would have to be really full of trichs to make it worth it.that said all grinders need an iso bath time to time.clean it and see what happens

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
I tried it, and it worked GREAT! I submerged the grinder parts in a small glass of iso alcohol for a few seconds, swished them around a bit, and they were clean. I poured the alcohol through a fine strainer into a glass baking dish with a fan blowing over it. In about 20 minutes, the alcohol was evaporated, and what was left was sort of a sticky, oily, hash. It wasn't a lot, but it was DEFINITELY worth the minimal effort. A very nice smoke, just a little crumb burns a long time.


Well-known member
HOLY SHIT!!were the hell have you been Ricky! ah i mean Tony! Damn coming out of the wood work eh!?good to see you!Just remember,dont cross the shit line! j/k!


New member
Please don't use iso on aluminium, use acetone or ethanol instead, iso reacts with aluminium, probably not too bad but still. I tried it with acetone and it worked well.

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