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making bubble a cleaner endeavor

I am trying to make my bubble hash runs less messy, So here is my plan mix it all with a multi padled sheet rock mud stirrer.
This bucket will be suspended on a stand over a 5 gallon bucket that is lined with the collection bags. The bucket will have a valve mounted as flush with the bottom as possible.
I will fill the top bucket with the ice/water/trim and mix away with a 1/2in drill.
when the mixing is done and all has settled I will open the valve at the bottom of the bucket letting it drain thru the bags
The lower bucket will have a pump like this http://cgi.ebay.com/Alpine-Aquarium...emQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item51812e1201

I will use it to pump the water that has ran thru the bags back over the top of the stuff in the upper bucket
mabey use lots of pressure and ice cold water at first no drill will get me some super melty for my first run, then I can go for broke with the drill!
This will eliminate alot of the mess involved with the hash making process.
I need help figuring out how to mount a 1 1/2in -2in pvc valve
as flush as possible to the bottom of the bucket.
thanks for any input and critism


just do it
imho you are making things way more complicated than they need to be, how about this: agitate your ice/trim buckets with your drill, put your bags in a seperate bucket, put a full size dinner plate in the bottom to keep poured slurry from forcing through, pour slurry buckets into bag bucket, drain, KISS =... keep it simple sad247summer

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