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Maine - medical marijuana users to pay sales tax


Original Editor of ICMagazine
In another blow against medical marijuana users (this time in Maine), legislators want to tax MEDICINE that patients buy in dispensaries.

AUGUSTA, Maine — Included in the final catch-all tax bill signed into law Friday by Gov. John Baldacci is a provision that taxes the sale of medical marijuana at state-sanctioned dispensaries.

“We wanted to make sure that it is taxed,” Rep. Thomas Watson, D-Bath, co-chairman of the Legislature’s Taxation Committee, told members of the Appropriations Committee in the final review of the tax bill on Wednesday. “It is one of the recommendations of Maine Revenue Service that we didn’t follow. They recommended it not be taxed, but the committee — all that were in the room, both parties — said it should be taxed.”

The decision is estimated to result in about $71,000 a year in additional sales tax revenue. Sen. Richard Nass, R-Acton, said lawmakers on the committee rejected the Maine Revenue Service position that marijuana used for medical reasons was the same as a prescription drug.

For the full story:
From the Bangor Daily News by Mal Leary


New member
the country should just legalize and tax it, id rather pay tax than get arrested and owe thousands in fines and court fees

f the black market


I love my life
They tax beer so why not just tax all prescription medication as well. If we want to support our government based on what we drink, smoke, or take in pill form let's at least be equitable about it. And BTW marijuana has the lowest collateral or social cost of any form of intoxicant or Rx.

Peace, :joint:


One day you will have to answer to the children of
They tax beer so why not just tax all prescription medication as well. If we want to support our government based on what we drink, smoke, or take in pill form let's at least be equitable about it. And BTW marijuana has the lowest collateral or social cost of any form of intoxicant or Rx.

Peace, :joint:
The problem is we are the children that see this, and hopefully the time has come that enough of us see this...and it won't have to wait for our children...Besides MJ is a big step.
Our children will be left with all the other fun substances, to try to find a solution to.
What was that thing I kept hearing about 18mos back,
I don't know it seems like poor taste to tax the sick and dying for their medication. If they wanted to tax it then shouldn't they just legalize it for recreational use??


It's a blow to medical users because what we're seeking is equality with all other medicines, and medicines aren't taxed. When you buy a bottle of tylenol for $4.99 that's what it's gonna cost, $4.99. Same should be for cannabis. I agree with red bull, if they want to tax it they should legalize it for recreational use and tax those people. But not the sick and dying.

Mr. Charlie

It's a blow to medical users because what we're seeking is equality with all other medicines, and medicines aren't taxed. When you buy a bottle of tylenol for $4.99 that's what it's gonna cost, $4.99. Same should be for cannabis. I agree with red bull, if they want to tax it they should legalize it for recreational use and tax those people. But not the sick and dying.
Very good point, although it does help to legitimize the industry/medicine.


I don't think it does. I think the politicians are just happy they found something else to tax. But nooo, no taxes on vicodin and xanax! They wouldn't need those tax dollars if they weren't wasting so much trying to fight the war on drugs in the first place. If they want more tax dollars to spend they should stop wasting money instead of looking for ways to raise taxes. Guess that's just too much to ask, to have them make do with what they got. They sit there and tell us "save your money, spend frugally, savers are the backbone of the economy etc" but they turn around and keep asking for MORE taxes? How would your employer feel if year after year of failing to meet expectations you kept asking for raises and bonuses? That probably wouldn't go over too well. Same concept my mans. This is all about equality and equal treatment. Instead we're still getting treated like 2nd and 3rd class citizens, even after gaining some rights. It's no bueno.

Open Eyes

And why should they not tax it? Prescriptions are taxed so why should cannabis be exempted? Nearly everything has a tax on it.

If you do not want it taxed then grow your own.