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Maine Medical 6kw grow op


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
So i got my license about 2 weeks ago and now that im legit its time to share some pictures of the expanding garden.

Right now i have only 1 patient (myself) so im only allowed to grow 6 plants in flower 93 plants in veg.

Im in the process of signing 2 more patients so that would give me 18 plants in flower and 81 in veg.

Goal here is at least 1lb per plant per light.

Equipment - 6 magnum xxl reflectors
eye hortilux super hps bulbs
50amp timer box
6 switchable ballasts 240/120 will be running on 240v
co2 setup is greenair electra 48 burner with cap ppm3 monitor
got a tea brewer that i plan to make both root teas and nutrient teas with.

Veg room is 1kw MH on light track i can fit about 18 plants in there 5x10 tent


Got some pretty crazy pics for ya. the first set are panoramics the 2nd set are regular pics. enjoy!


















Hey now! The official med grow

CONGRATS ON THE LICENSE man. Wish I could get my license, but unfortunately :p i'm pretty healthy.
My girlfriend however has persistent shoulder pains with documented proof. We live together, and though she doesn't smoke, I was thinking maybe she could get a license so that we could be doing this legally. Know anything about the rules up here? Does everyone in the household have to have a license if there is a grow? Or would her license protect our grow? if anyone knows that would be cool.


That room is super clean, and I am jealous as all hell of your ceiling height. Looks like you really lucked out finding a place.

Keep up the good grows.. will watch this one too.


Damn aero this sounds whack but as a young dude i seriously look up to you. Your a fuckin machine. Do you ever do anything small? Love the LEGAL setup bro, one plant per 1000W is fuckin sexy. I'm sure you'll pull over 6lbs. Keep doin what your doin my man, overgrowin the fuckin planet!


that's awesome you got your card. your plants look like there going to be some pretty big monsters.

so how much can you have dry, with the card.


Awesome pics and nice basement. I hope someday I can have something that sweet in my basement. :good: to goin legit.


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
Damn aero this sounds whack but as a young dude i seriously look up to you. Your a fuckin machine. Do you ever do anything small? Love the LEGAL setup bro, one plant per 1000W is fuckin sexy. I'm sure you'll pull over 6lbs. Keep doin what your doin my man, overgrowin the fuckin planet!
doesnt sound whack at all man. We all look up to people for example i look up to Julian hes the most inspirational dude on these threads!! I do appreciate the kind words bro. much love! just remember dedication and determination will get you anywhere you want to be. you reap what you sow my man

that's awesome you got your card. your plants look like there going to be some pretty big monsters.

so how much can you have dry, with the card.

i can have 2.5oz packaged and ready to go\
i can have unlimited amount trimmed and sitting in dry racks all i have to do is claim that they are curing and that i only take 2.5oz out at a time... but now that i have 2 more patients i will be able to have 7.5oz in a bag ready to go at all times.

Awesome pics and nice basement. I hope someday I can have something that sweet in my basement. :good: to goin legit.

shit man go buy some 1kw lights and do it up! lol
thanks bro im so happy that i finally am legit. it feels good to be able to cruise with 2.5oz not be hassled... they really need to do something federally with the medical laws tho i hate the fact that my neighboring state NH will lock my ass up for a seed or stem even. shit if they find resin on a paperclip your going in the slammer... fucked up state... i swear if every state were like NH ganja would sell for 10k/lb lol... there we go rambling on again


that's not to bad, out here we can have 2.5 dry, 12 mature, 12 seedlings and the law states

"Registered primary caregivers and registered qualifying patients shall be allowed to possess a reasonable amount of unusable marijuana, including up to twelve (12) seedlings, which shall not be counted toward the limits"

i'm not sure if that means we can have some still in the curing stage. i'm going to look into that more.

tks, for the info.


Looks great Aero! I'm trying to get in on the legal maine scene myself. Just have to find a patient, as I don't qualify under the current rules, hoping they change that soon though.
Tacoe - no one in the house needs to be a patient, you just have to have a patient.
and as I understand it, there are NO limits on seedlings and vegging plants in the maine law, you're only restricted to 6 flowering plants over 12" x 12" per patient. thats straight from the medical marijuana caregivers of maine people.

have a good one guy,
Last edited:


correct there is no limit on vegging plants, however it's still a good idea to stay under the 100 plant federal limit.....


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
Man its so nice to have a legal grow in the basement. Been sleeping much better! anyway i been brewing a "root tea" now for the past 12 hours... went down stairs to check on it and it was all over the floor, thank god for the drain... the 35gal trashcan is to small and the pressure from the blower causes the shit to go EVERYWHERE even after i adjust the valve so what im doing is purchasing a much larger trashcan and im going to cut a hole in the lid so that all the shit splashing will remain in the trashcan this time.

My root tea consists of:

Fish emulsion
seabird guano super tea
seaweed extract

My Nute tea which i will feed once a week will consist of:

Fish Emulsion
all the guanos

The idea is to flood the root zone with mycrobial activity (root tea)

Then go hammer time with the nute tea... still got a lot of tweaking to do.. thats all for today
Looking great man.I'm considering finally breaking down and getting a card too.I've never been one to add my name to a government list of any kind,this one may have to be the exception.I'll keep trying to talk myself into it for now.You've always got a great show going on,keep up the good work.



just do it
nice work man!! how difficult was it to get caregiver status? do you have to give anyone access or do they still need a warrant?


I have some experience with fungus... used to grow tons of shrooms (bulk neglect report) back in the day...so I had to make liquid culture alot..I found out mycelium doesn't like molasses too much the caramelized sugar inhibits growth...I found that amber malt extract works so much better, the lighter the better... also Karo corn syrup works good not as much complex carbohydrates as malt extract, but good.. the fungus grows alot faster


New member
I'd like to echo the previous sentiments and say that I also look up to you Aero ... been lurking a long time but I hope to pay back the knowledge in the future

Looking great so far!


Active member
damn thats a huge space to work with...cant believe you are fighting the temptation to run another 15k of lights lol...

love the indoor giant recipe...hope to see some yeild off those things.


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
april 1st i will have 2 more patients so that means 18kw in flower 18plants. hehe ill have that basement filled in no time!