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Mail order brides, I mean clones.

How legal/illegal or what type of shade of Grey is involved in shipping cuttings, rooted or uprooted, from Colorado to Illinois?

Can a med patient in Illinois legally accept clones or genetics?

bout to move to IL, and have been planning this quite extensively. I'm really dreading the genetic game, as I've been spoiled by my good friends here in Colorado who pop several hundred beans to find a proper lady to clone off of for years. So, I'm hesitant to pop 10 packs of seeds because I doubt I'm going to get the kind of champions I'm used to.

so yea, anyhow I want to get three specific cuts, (not seeds), out to Illinois so I can begin right where I left off.

Any suggestions?


The Tri Guy
Personally I'd just pack them with a bunch of unrelated stuff, and move them with everything else you're taking with you. They will be fine in the dark for a few days.


Active member
not funny. dont put mail order brides in your title unless you got scoop on mail order brides please.

moose eater

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How legal/illegal or what type of shade of Grey is involved in shipping cuttings, rooted or uprooted, from Colorado to Illinois?

Can a med patient in Illinois legally accept clones or genetics?

bout to move to IL, and have been planning this quite extensively. I'm really dreading the genetic game, as I've been spoiled by my good friends here in Colorado who pop several hundred beans to find a proper lady to clone off of for years. So, I'm hesitant to pop 10 packs of seeds because I doubt I'm going to get the kind of champions I'm used to.

so yea, anyhow I want to get three specific cuts, (not seeds), out to Illinois so I can begin right where I left off.

Any suggestions?

Interstate transport of cannabis in the US is specifically and strictly prohibited; as in, illegal as a mo'fo'.

That said, clones don't wreak like harvested well-grown flowers, and the mass of vegetative matter is quite miniscule.

I haven't shipped clones. I've shipped lots of other things.

Over the last handful of years, I've examined some of the contraptions made or pieced together for sending clones via postal service or 3rd party freight carriers.

When I transport cuttings to the bush, is use (often times) a 3" square-ish pot from the 18-insert trays (I recycle them), and, after I have my soilless mix, or whatever the thing's sitting in, I wrap food wrap (aka plastic wrap, Seran wrap, food film, etc.) around the pot the clone is in, from both directions (front to back and side to side), making sure that in each direction (4 wraps of film in each direction, one to either side of the stem) the food wrap comes as close to the stem as possible, so by the time the pot is properly wrapped, the stem is reinforced by the food fil on all sides, and the soilless mix (full to the top edge of the pot) is held in place by the food film, as well.

When I do this in coolers with a hot water bottle under a hand towel to keep them from getting too cold here in wintertime, especially crossing distances out trails into the mountains, etc., or flying in small aircraft, I often have a small plywood box made from 3/8" thick ACX or CDX and screwed together. Looks like a gear box for fragile equipment, and you can make it any size you wish.

Anyway, I typically place that plywood container (I have several of various sizes here) inside a cooler, often along with other gear if someone else might examine it, such as during loading a small airplane, and I've never had an issue.

You could use the same plywood box method, and the same wrapped pots, and place them with a protective 'dome' or cover over all or each pot or cup, so when the mail handlers or baggage handlers decide it's cool to play Hackey sack with your belongings, it's at least a bit protected from their abuses.

You could use the same methods, but inside a flat rate USPS Priority Mail shipping box (medium size); potted plant(s) wrapped in food service over the soilless mix/roots and pot, taped or glued into the bottom of a small-ish plywood box, with a protective dome of sorts over the greenery, possibly made from cut-down plastic drinking cups, inverted, and taped to the top edges of the pot(s).

If they find it, they will take it, and maybe even generate a nasty gram to you or (more likely) the recipient, re. contraband having been seized. I'd guess (and it is an informed guess, but a guess nonetheless) if the authorities find your clone(s), unless there's enough of them to deck out Ed Rosenthal's old Oakland medical warehouse, the fascisti will most likely just toss them in the trash.

Also, if you'd like to head off any efforts to x-ray your package, I've been fond of using imported cookie tins (which the stores have a-plenty this time of year) and use that in place of the plywood box. But you'll need a deeper-than-average cookie tin.

I often add keep-sakes, gifts, books, etc., to fill in the empty cavities in the box, and that way, under initial inspection, whether live or via x-ray, it looks like a hundred-thousand care packages in the mail system.

Good luck.


Well-known member
Personally I'd just pack them with a bunch of unrelated stuff, and move them with everything else you're taking with you. They will be fine in the dark for a few days.

I have never seen a removal van, or holiday maker, pulled over and searched to the extent required to find such a thing. Through the channel tunnel they swabbed the roof lining both ways, and we were smoke boxing that hire car for a week. Nothing, and I was carrying personal. Just make an issue of smoking your last joint before the run, so everyone has it in their head you are clean.

If this means doing the run twice to take your car separately to the hire vehicle, then that's the cost. You want any issues with the vehicle to not be your problem, and your reason for being there to be self explanatory.

If you happen to crash into a squad car, don't have smoking shaped items in your pockets. No pouches/lighters/cigarette packets. You don't smoke. Nor use body sprays, which may hide other odors. Be totally transparent. When they ask why you are moving, have a reason that they would move for.

Why would anyone pull a van registered to a removal company, then go through the contents. It's bad press.


Well-known member
well the thing is, the somewhat new 2018 / 2019 farm bill that has been passed making hemp legal. It really helps us out.

And since the clone isnt flowering it should contain little to no thc. the recently passed farm bills concerning hemp state that cannabis plants with under 0.3% thc is considered hemp, and not marijuana. Marijuana is anything over 0.3%. And i believe its thc % by weight. It is a grey area no doubt. But i feel this law makes it more difficult for LEO to charge people when your stating its hemp.

(now, i havent heard of any one taking a clone and actually getting it tested for thc%, but That would be interesting.)

technically this should go for seeds as well, since they contain little thc.

if you carry or Mail them with a bunch of printed legal hemp documents, in the event it was confiscated, im sure it would add some insurance to your story.

A google search of the farm bill will lead you to numerous articles and the actual Farm Bill document.



New member
Concur with Gmanwho on the less-than-0.3% thc of young clones. The clone biz is fairly robust and I wouldn't expect problems with, for example, a couple clone shippers sent in a priority box.

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