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Mac Users: Know your OSX key commands


Its always fun for us geeks to share our knowledge with each other especially when it comes to key commands. I would like to share a few key commands I use on a daily basis to avoid pointing and clicking as much as possible.

Please feel free to join in and share your knowledge!z!

Shut down your Mac: Control + Option + Command + Eject Button

Tab between open apps: Hold Command + Tap the Tab key

Close any window: Command + W

Quit any app: Command + Q

Open new tab in your internet browser Command + T

Refresh page in your internet browser: Command + R

Copy item, folder or highlighted text: Command + C

Paste item, folder or highlighted text: Command + V

Zoom in and out: Command + Tap the + or - keys

Save in any app: Command + S

Undo last action in any app: Command + Z

Undo your undo: Shift + Command + Z

Select all: Command + A (I mainly use this in finder)

New finder window: Command + N (Must be in finder app)

Create new folder: Shift + Command + N

Another cool trick i use a lot is to deny access to any hard drive so prying eyes cant see whats on it, or copy anything off it. You can do this with folders too.

Right click said folder or HD > Get info > Sharing & Permissions > Privilege > Set Privilege for all users to "No Access" > Check the "Locked" button in General. Close get info and look at said folder or HD. Most mac users have never seen a folder or HD that has a big red minus and pad lock on it before. Try to open said folder or HD :)

I'll keep this going if more people join in, If not I'll let the thread die.


Active member
word up, apple has a big table of the keyboard shortcuts here - http://support.apple.com/kb/ht1343

good stuff to know, mostly, blows my mind how many users don't even know apple-tab or in windows alt-tab, you show them apple-~ and minds get blown hehe

i recommend all mac users get familiar with the unix terminal, when they switched to a unix based system that's what got me very interested in apple, before that, with system 9 and previous i wasn't too big on them at all....the unix terminal allows you to do so much more than the gui, for example i could easily bypass your folder restrictions and really see everything if i am in the terminal and know an administrator's logon, most mac users are administrator anyways so it's not too tough to start digging in there


No doubt frog, Most mac users don't even know the terminal exists. No need really, For most the GUI will take them where they want to go.

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