I hope I haven't misunderstood your proposed solution. Are you saying you want to force people to provide a service to you at a price you and not market conditions determine?
I hope you're not another economic illiterate silly liberal loving to use government guns to deliver the things you want. That's already what CRONY CAPITALISTS and governments do. Why would you emulate the thing that has created the problem?
You should kick crony capitalism.
You should not kick actual free markets, they are not the same as crony capitalism. Assigning the problems of crony capitalism to actual free markets won't help. Free markets are purposefully disallowed by crony capitalists, they don't exist in insurance now.
Tell me how much money it would cost me in private health business models to have the same family coverage that I have now.
First please tell me why weed prices went down when supply went up, can you?
Please tell me the difference between how crony capitalism and actual free markers operate. can you?
Also what you pay, may not be the actual cost, if you are being forcibly subsidized by others. Terms such as "free" and "cost" are deceptive when they are misapplied.
If you can't do that, no offense, I think you should learn more about supply and demand and the impact it has on pricing. Also how actual free markets, NOT CRONY CAPITALISM can benefit consumers.
Universal right to force somebody to supply your needs? Is that your solution?
Nobody has the right to force other people to work at a fixed rate they determine and the worker / supplier has no choice but to go along with it. There's already a name for that, it's called slavery.
Yes, you should have the universal right to make determinations about your healthcare.
No, you should not and do not have a universal right to make others provide it for you at the point of a gun.
Not only do you misunderstand me (or rather misrepresent me), but you don't even understand what Universal Public Health is, nor Universal Public Education; which also in no way excludes that there are private companies that are dedicated to healthcare for payment-business.
And stop with the cheap talk, with guns in the chest, and other demagogic comparisons: in this country we have decided by broad consensus and majority, that (beyond human rights, ethics and speeches of Jesus Christ that the majority of "Christian fundamentalists- right-wingers" go overboard) that even the last individual (and their children) on the social-economic scale has the right to the same free education and healthcare as the highest taxpayer on the scale, generates and increases the progress, health and general wealth of the entire society.
And we have not set up this system as a business: but it generates more health, progress and general wealth than anything you could propose: that is why you neither respond nor propose anything better; Becouse you or anybody can't; and you go off on a tangent with topics that have nothing to do with it, only to release your speech again.
Becouse no private healthcare model that you set up in the best scenario of your capitalist dreams can compete with mine in results or cost/results.
in this country we have decided by broad consensus and majority (our particular "Social Contract", which @Cannavore refers to in general above; other societies may decide that every adult has the right to buy a gun, for example)
In your statement as well as those made by me @Captain Red Eye chooses for some reason to overlook this aspect. Is this because he wishes to force his formula upon us? ;DUniversal Public Health is, nor Universal Public Education; which also in no way excludes that there are private companies that are dedicated to healthcare for payment-business.
The threat of the state
In your statement as well as those made by me @Captain Red Eye chooses for some reason to overlook this aspect. Is this because he wishes to force his formula upon us? ;D
This dudes a reptilian from the planet draco, right? No shot he's fully human lol. @Hempy McNoodle what's your thoughts lol
Not a single word about force was uttered but there is presently force in place and to bring about a lovely and gentle free market such as you envision would require force.Allowing other people to act cooperatively while maintaining your right to peacefully decline their proposal is not forcing your wishes on other people.
Please don't you use "gang rapist" logic,.
I'm fine with you and your friends cooperating to plan your healthcare. Just don't force a person who'd prefer otherwise to support it., like crony capitalists do.
Do you truly believe that medical care is best provided by an economic system which must satisfy owners or shareholders of growing profits?
As Eltito has pointed out non-profit and profit making endeavors can co-exist. (education, medical, kids camps, produce markets, cannabis markets)
cannabis legalization in Canada came about through civil disobedience
voluntarists are a type of libertarian/anarcho capitalist. their ideology will lead to neo-feudalism.
Elon is a government contracted oligarch
What party is going to agree to take on the debts and bills of someone who is currently dying
The not for profit model paralleled with a payment for service would (could) blend within the current system and fairly rapidly, through choice, send the insurance companies out of business. I do think that force should be used to eject lobbyists. It is through these lobbyists assisted by media that Americans become convinced they have the best medical and doctors in the world.I truly believe you own yourself and you don't own other people. I also believe the things which naturally flow from that are worth consideration.
As far as using the efficacy, real or imagined, of something as a justification to force otherwise peaceful people into it ? It's flawed thinking, since it assumes consent when none is actually given.
That is not hyperbole, that is a fact. Using gang rape as a comparison makes you feel uncomfortable, as it should. Don't use the same tactics gang rapists do and you can make your cognitive dissonance go away.
For example, I need to stack some wood. It would be more efficient if I forcibly commandeered two burly young guys and made them help me stack the wood. It might even be "good for them" physically to do it. Am I justified in doing it, is the question none of "you people" have answered. It is the proverbial plank in your eye.
You can't rightfully argue against the force crony capitalism uses, and then do the same kinds of things they do and make a consistent argument.
Which reminds me, you seem like an intelligent and well-meaning person. I respect that.
You never responded to why you were upset with a person on this board who you said violated your consent by providing info. you asked him not to. Then when it comes to an outcome you prefer, Universal healthcare with no opt out, you forget about others rights? Why is that ?