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Looking for Guerilla Gold, whose got it?


Well-known member
Hi all, I had some guerilla gold seeds in my collection that failed to germinate while i was doing my spring sproutings. Its left me really hungering for the stuff, so i was wondering what where the options in terms of breeeders, banks amd members for guerilla gold lines.


Well-known member
You can probably still find regs of them at Nordic Genetics (#1/#3). Gnomes Garden sells feminized GG #3 and a bunch of fem crosses with it.

ice minus

Well-known member
White Buffalo Seeds! I've seen , and at one time even had a couple, of their Guerrila Gold and Guerrila Gold crosses

They're the only Canadian breeder I know of that specialize in a lot of classical landrace strains - which coincidentally is always my first recommendation for people growing outdoors too, their stuff has always been good and hardy and naturally PM resistant in my tests

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