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Looking for bud in Kapaa, HI


New member
Hey fellow tokers!

In Kapaa for 10 days and would like to try some bud from here. Any suggestions where to look without offending anyone?


who dat is

Cave Dweller
With a username, join date, and post count like this I would say you are going to be hard pressed to get many useful answers. It also looks very suspect. Just sayin'


New member
Well I mean I just got to Hawaii and discovered these forums soooo...sorry for seeming suspect but I really don't think cops are wasting their time on forums to get a little bud with the crazy meth problems they have on this island. But thanks if you don't want to help then don't reply. ✌��️


Well-known member
Just mingle with local folks who look.like they puff...just don't ask for marijuana..ask for kind bud, pakalolo, or weed...

I think if you look, ask, and are chill, you should be fine


New member
Hey thank you!

Definitely going to give that a try. I can smell it everywhere haha. Loving this beautiful place!!


Éirinn go Brách
ICMag Donor
Well I mean I just got to Hawaii and discovered these forums soooo...sorry for seeming suspect but I really don't think cops are wasting their time on forums to get a little bud with the crazy meth problems they have on this island. But thanks if you don't want to help then don't reply. ✌��️

Easy there ohiogirl. Whodat is one of the standup people on this site and was giving you helpful advice and pointing out something you may not be aware about. Your initial post violates TOUs which they take seriously here. The post could easily get you banned before you even get a feel for this place which would be a shame but is also run of the mill with new posters.

Peace and im envious you get to live in such a beautiful place! Take care.