New member
Im not sure if anyones heard about how everyone is flocking to oklahoma to get in on some of the green gold while they can!!! Its been an amazing ride for the last two almost three years! But we honestly need to take ot to the next level at our farm!! We currently have a grow and a proccessor licence we have 5 acres out side a decent sized town.. we own the land so thats not in risk of over being taken!!! We are an organic farm who is striving to become self sufficient!!! Currently me and my wife are the only employees because the last guy who worked for us stole from us ... im a 100% service connected disabled veteran who owes everything to this plant for giving mebmy life bad off perscriptions... but thats a different story... we currently have two green houses we flower in and a 40 ft connex we veg in!!! But we need to expand we have out grown all that!!! Summers crop is coming along well but we would love to find the right person to work woth.. thanks for your time