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Local VT genetics

I'm interested in local VT genetics, I've been living in Vt most of my life. Interested in seeing whats floating around, i still have alot of genetics from Canada that use to come down this way. I still have alot of seed from oz's of M-39, Freezeland and Pluton.

Would like to see if anyone has any classic afghani or pakis that are acclimated to our climate. Thanks :tiphat:


Well-known member
I would suggest you two should chill but with the two weeks intervals between posts if this got any more chill I'm afraid someone might fall asleep on their keyboard.


Well-known member
Not nearly enough. I don't know if it ever happened last night but damnit will the weather get its act together and warm up? So spoiled from last year and I'm not enjoying this typical VT May weather one bit.


Active member
I agree - The weather is so strange again this year. The last couple years, it seems like it went from cold to hot with no real Spring. Now it went from cold to hot to back to cold. I started a flat of cannabis at the beginning of the month & I got the last 7 female plants in this past Thursday. I was real busy last week - I have both standard & all female plants + two I kept for house (porch) plants, one will be gifted. I'm in a frost safe zone so I'm not worried about the cold but I was enjoying the nice summer-like weather that we had been receiving. One good thing, I haven't been bit by any ticks yet this year in my travels. I'm hoping that this coming summer - We will have more timely rain than last year...


Active member
I got some really nice purple flowering cultivar I'd like to reveg and pollinate it if anyone close can help with good pollen


Active member
I agree - The weather is so strange again this year. The last couple years, it seems like it went from cold to hot with no real Spring. Now it went from cold to hot to back to cold. I started a flat of cannabis at the beginning of the month & I got the last 7 female plants in this past Thursday. I was real busy last week - I have both standard & all female plants + two I kept for house (porch) plants, one will be gifted. I'm in a frost safe zone so I'm not worried about the cold but I was enjoying the nice summer-like weather that we had been receiving. One good thing, I haven't been bit by any ticks yet this year in my travels. I'm hoping that this coming summer - We will have more timely rain than last year...

Where I live by red rocks the lake level is DISGUSTINGLY LOW its almost like someone is suckjng water out of the lake


Well-known member
I haven't really interacted much with other local herb growers, but ended up going over to a dude's place earlier and gifted a few nugs back and forth. I have to say, I haven't had stank-weedy weed like this in awhile (it was a friesland hybrid, these were some old school dudes). So much stinkier than my predominantly floral and fruity flowers. Interesting to try something different.


I had a friend ...same first name ironicly enough who had really nice skunk that I'd thought was gone.....I got it now! No way in hell I'd let it go evahhhhh
I digress I need help from anyone with access to these


I do respite for a local vet who served in Vietnam w a family member...he invested in these but 85% were not real,or fake. He loves them so I wanna safely help him.


Well-known member
I haven't really interacted much with other local herb growers, but ended up going over to a dude's place earlier and gifted a few nugs back and forth. I have to say, I haven't had stank-weedy weed like this in awhile (it was a friesland hybrid, these were some old school dudes). So much stinkier than my predominantly floral and fruity flowers. Interesting to try something different.

While the Friesland hybrid (with Purple Punch) did get a person stoned... it was decidedly mids. It was enjoyable at first, and then I found myself going back to my own flower again and again, because it's markedly better. Guy also gave me a little bit of some other flower he grew which he said only he and one other person get... that was certainly better than the PP/Friesland... and again, nice to try something different. I dunno, wondering if maybe I'm biased in favor of my own homegrown (I'm a semi-shitty grower but I do buy nice seeds).

I have to admit in years past I sometimes really enjoyed shitweed. Sucks to smoke it all the time, nice to have something totally different from time to time. Kinda reminds me of this morning, house feels cold as shit, but if you go outside to dump compost and put a bag of trash in the barrel it feels downright balmy when you come back in.


Well-known member
PS: I feel like I was a little too negative about the Friesland, it was mids by today's fancypants standards, but I think it's aimed at a certain price point... also I suspect old heads who exclusively smoke joints like the old school outdoor weedy stinky smelling herb.

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