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Linked rebuttal to DEA argument against legalization of marijuana.


New member
I Just read it. Hogwash and propaganda perpetuated by the capitalist establishment to support and justify the arrest and imprisonment of hundreds of thousands of honest, hardworking American citizens. SMH, when will we learn?
I Just read it. Hogwash and propaganda perpetuated by the capitalist establishment to support and justify the arrest and imprisonment of hundreds of thousands of honest, hardworking American citizens. SMH, when will we learn?

Someone has to finance the private prison system.
The tax payers finance the government preying on on it's citizenry.
Who else but the working class/small business owners?
Always on the backs of the lower rungs of the economic ladder.
I would have said lowest but they get a free ride.
Take away the whips, the pyramids and the technology, what have you?
A slave toiling away on a technological platform of the
21st century. A well perfumed slave mind you, but slave none the less. The chains of our bondage? debt.
The slave masters haven't changed, their game has gotten better
thats all.



Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
Fuck all the alphbet gangs......

johnny cash agrees !!!!



New member
Someone has to finance the private prison system.
The tax payers finance the government preying on on it's citizenry.
Who else but the working class/small business owners?
Always on the backs of the lower rungs of the economic ladder.
I would have said lowest but they get a free ride.
Take away the whips, the pyramids and the technology, what have you?
A slave toiling away on a technological platform of the
21st century. A well perfumed slave mind you, but slave none the less. The chains of our bondage? debt.
The slave masters haven't changed, their game has gotten better
thats all.


Aint that the truth!!!