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Lighting too much?



I got a small space i built to bloom about 4-6 plants area is 2'x 3' x 7' tall

heres a pic:


I plan to run a 600 watt hps, but im thinking it may be too much still?

My question, would i be wasting light in this small space with the 600?


if you plan on having 6 plants i dont think it would be a waste of light. also if its enclosed its gonna get hot in that small space...


yea i am aware of the heat situation.... I got a floor window behind the un mylared section on the left. I plan to have my light vetnilation exhaust outside as well as 2 4" vents just for air flow.

Good call on the 600! i was hoping i wouldnt waste light... i hate wasting anything!


well i originaly had a 1K light that was going to go in there, but considering heat and thinking alot of light would not be utilized, i decided to grab a 600 instead.


Active member
Your 600-watter ought to be fine in that space. I'm running 600 watts in a 2 x 5 x 5 closet, growing six plants, and am not having any problems. Before I removed a 1 x 2 panel from the rear wall, though, temps were in the high 80s--so just make sure your ventilation is adequate.


Man you are good to go with that. Just make sure you have a way to get that heat out. I cut a hole in my cieling after adding a 55lb scrubber and it extracts all of the heat into the attic and then out of the house. I keep my 4x6x8 closet closed all of the time. I'd like a to 1000 watts, but I went with the 600 instead. The 1k will come later ; ) There is no such thing as too much light...only too much heat.

Ponics. :joint: