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Light mover rails



I'm looking for information on light mover rails.
Does anyone here use them?
Do they do what the retailers claim?
Had a $60.00 spike in electric bill d/t to hot tub problems and am looking to see If I can use a mover bucause I need more light but concerned about bill when adding more lights.

Any input?


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Lots of guys around here use light movers, they are an excellent way to insure proper light coverage over larger areas.

Try plugging "Light Mover" into the search box.
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All due respect Nite Tiger, but I did use the search feature, go ahead, give it a try. Every post that has the word light in it comes up.
My question is for folks that actually use one, not read about it. Thanks anyway


i think light movers are just fantastic, you can get the light real close cuz the constantly move and theres no hotspots. but i would not recomend the hydrofarm light rails. the chain drives suck and they can fail and the chain can derail itself if you start doing creative things. i wish i would have thought about spending an extra 100 and gotten an inteli drive 3.5.. you can ad a light to it you can adjust ending points and delays at either end.. these ones seem like the best dea dor rectangular grows.,


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Bluze said:
All due respect Nite Tiger, but I did use the search feature, go ahead, give it a try. Every post that has the word light in it comes up.
My question is for folks that actually use one, not read about it. Thanks anyway

Funny, I typed in "Light Mover" (notice the quotes - it searches for an exact phrase) and first thread was a write up by Mr. Wags about his room using guess what? Light movers.

Might want to ease off the attitude a bit.

All due respect.


Thanks igo...I was offered 3 of those Inteli Drive's at $100 each complete setup so I do believe it's a deal

Yea Nite Tiger those quotation marks make a difference, thanks for the heads up


Active member
I've got a couple 1000's on rails and really like them. I've always been a bit wary of trying to get the lights closer, although you could. I had a timer go out and leave the lights on through the dark cycle once. To add insult to injury, I have the rails on independent timers so they don't run in the dark (the lights are on 220 and the rails are 110v). If I had been running the lights closer, they'd have fried the plants when the movers stopped...

Rails are also great for those long, skinny closets. :smoke:

Just my two cents...

- Butte


keke you mean how do i get a 1k in a 2' deep closet thats 8' wide and 8' high? and multiple lights was not a option you wanted.. yeah lights on the same timer as the the mover is always good if you can do it.


Hey Butte, That's exactly what type of information I was looking for. I will definatly see to it that the rails are on timers. No reason for it to move in the dark.

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New member
Check out "Agramover" on ebay. I run two of them and they spank lightrail's ass.

Agramovers runs on standard 1 5/8" strut channel (uni-strut, b-line, etc.) available for $15 at Home Depot or any electrical supply house. Advantages include no expensive shipping bill, and the stuff is so strong you can bolt up 9' at the ends and do pullups on the middle. Cooper B-line also makes an array of fittings that will please the mad scientist.

Agramovers have 2 drive wheels compared to lightrail's one. When the rubber tire shreds, lightrails stop. Agramover is also coming out with a urethane (think rollerblade wheel) tire that is bulletproof. I run a test pair on one of my movers, and after many hours, you can still see the parting mark where it popped out of the mold.

Best of all, $129.00 w/warranty. Downsides: one speed (relatively slow), meaning long runs (over 6 or 7 feet) should be covered by 2 lights. Also, only 30 second delay at the ends.
I have a Light Rail 3.5, it works great, I have it moving 2 600w HPS lights over a 8 foot long space. Although I have to admit, being a sparky, those Agramovers sound cool. I use alot of unistrut every day, a light mover based on it sounds kickass....