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Let’s Talk Bubble Machine Tech


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ICMag Donor
There is a lot of info buried in various threads and YT vids about bubble hash making.

Flower or Trim + Ice / Filtration = Hash

It is simple but the quality of the hash can vary wildly depending upon a lot of variables. So . . . how do you make your bubble hash?

Here is my method . . . using a 5 gallon washing machine. I am looking for feedback and criticism so that I can improve.

  • I use flower or high quality trim.
  • I break up the nugs by hand – thinking that a grinder will damage too many resin heads.
  • I bag it and freeze it for 24 hours in a chest freezer.
  • I use a maximum of around 90 grams of material for a full load. I tried more but thought that it didn’t all come out and glands were not recovered.
  • I put it directly into the machine. I tried my first run in the 25u work bag and got a very pitiful return – high quality hash – but too little was produced, so now I skip the work bag.
  • Add some ice, then the material, then more ice to cover it.
  • Add water until the ice on top just starts to float and all material is under water.
  • Let it sit for ½ hour to get really chilled.
  • Run the machine. I always top up the water as it starts so it produces a vortex – this is the vortex that Frenchy insisted was necessary.
  • Timing. I tried 15 minutes but I felt that that produced too much contamination. A 6 – 9 minute wash seems to be the sweet spot?
  • For best results, the first wash is your best shot. I usually do a second 3 minute run with more ice added.
  • I have the open-sided bubble bag set - 220/180/160/120/90/73/45/20u.
  • The bags are stretched onto a plastic 5 gallon home despot bucket.
  • Lately I use 220u and 160u as my discard bags. 220u gets the real junk and 160u gets the scruff that slips through. I know that I can make edibles with this but it is not my thing.
  • My keep bags are 73u, 45u and 20u but the 20u is usually chalky and I keep it separate.
  • Each bag is washed extensively with cold water until it foams. This is more Frenchy tech. You have to wash it really well at a high pressure until only a clean blob is left.
  • I carefully remove the bag from the pail put a bowl in the bag to stretch the wash area and I scape it clean with a spoon.
  • I place the final product on a 25u sheet on a towel to absorb the water. Working as fast as possible, I shape the blob into a rectangle and I fold the sheet over to squeeze out the water. If you don’t move fast, the blog will start sticking to the 25u sheet making more product unrecoverable.
  • I place the sheet with my shaped blobs in the chest freezer along with my micro planer for 24 hours.
  • Rinse all bags – and the machine innards with cold water as soon as possible and dry them. The machine I dry with paper towel and the bags I let drip dry. If any residue is left after drying, I will quickly rinse with iso – avoiding the bag stitching which can be eaten by iso.
  • I micro plane the frozen blobs onto a clean cookie sheet. I learned this from a Bubbleman Dude YT video with UrbanRemo. I tried a grater but cleaning it was a huge pita so I use a micro planer – keeping the different filter blobs separate.
  • Cover sheet with parchment and let dry for 48 hours or more. Any moisture left can lead to mould - so dry it well.
  • Inspect with a microscope and combine sifts . . . or not.
  • I store the final granular product in small glass jars.
Further Processing:
  • For temple balls, I have used the Frenchy tech – roll it between cellulose with a hot water filled wine bottle and gradually work it into a ball.
  • For conventional hash chunk just work it with some heat (an amplifier or a router) and it will gradually form.
Please add/criticize/comment. I want to perfect my method.


Well-known member
Some closeups of your hash would really give a lot of insight.

Can't be of any help unfortunately. My bubble experiments years ago were as rudimentary as it gets. Trim and ice cubes in the bucket, mixed by hand, dried on some cardboard. Turned out pretty good actually but too much work for not much hash.
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Well-known member
There is a lot of info buried in various threads and YT vids about bubble hash making.

Flower or Trim + Ice / Filtration = Hash

It is simple but the quality of the hash can vary wildly depending upon a lot of variables. So . . . how do you make your bubble hash?

Here is my method . . . using a 5 gallon washing machine. I am looking for feedback and criticism so that I can improve.

  • I use flower or high quality trim.
  • I break up the nugs by hand – thinking that a grinder will damage too many resin heads.
  • I bag it and freeze it for 24 hours in a chest freezer.
  • I use a maximum of around 90 grams of material for a full load. I tried more but thought that it didn’t all come out and glands were not recovered.
  • I put it directly into the machine. I tried my first run in the 25u work bag and got a very pitiful return – high quality hash – but too little was produced, so now I skip the work bag.
  • Add some ice, then the material, then more ice to cover it.
  • Add water until the ice on top just starts to float and all material is under water.
  • Let it sit for ½ hour to get really chilled.
  • Run the machine. I always top up the water as it starts so it produces a vortex – this is the vortex that Frenchy insisted was necessary.
  • Timing. I tried 15 minutes but I felt that that produced too much contamination. A 6 – 9 minute wash seems to be the sweet spot?
  • For best results, the first wash is your best shot. I usually do a second 3 minute run with more ice added.
  • I have the open-sided bubble bag set - 220/180/160/120/90/73/45/20u.
  • The bags are stretched onto a plastic 5 gallon home despot bucket.
  • Lately I use 220u and 160u as my discard bags. 220u gets the real junk and 160u gets the scruff that slips through. I know that I can make edibles with this but it is not my thing.
  • My keep bags are 73u, 45u and 20u but the 20u is usually chalky and I keep it separate.
  • Each bag is washed extensively with cold water until it foams. This is more Frenchy tech. You have to wash it really well at a high pressure until only a clean blob is left.
  • I carefully remove the bag from the pail put a bowl in the bag to stretch the wash area and I scape it clean with a spoon.
  • I place the final product on a 25u sheet on a towel to absorb the water. Working as fast as possible, I shape the blob into a rectangle and I fold the sheet over to squeeze out the water. If you don’t move fast, the blog will start sticking to the 25u sheet making more product unrecoverable.
  • I place the sheet with my shaped blobs in the chest freezer along with my micro planer for 24 hours.
  • Rinse all bags – and the machine innards with cold water as soon as possible and dry them. The machine I dry with paper towel and the bags I let drip dry. If any residue is left after drying, I will quickly rinse with iso – avoiding the bag stitching which can be eaten by iso.
  • I micro plane the frozen blobs onto a clean cookie sheet. I learned this from a Bubbleman Dude YT video with UrbanRemo. I tried a grater but cleaning it was a huge pita so I use a micro planer – keeping the different filter blobs separate.
  • Cover sheet with parchment and let dry for 48 hours or more. Any moisture left can lead to mould - so dry it well.
  • Inspect with a microscope and combine sifts . . . or not.
  • I store the final granular product in small glass jars.
Further Processing:
  • For temple balls, I have used the Frenchy tech – roll it between cellulose with a hot water filled wine bottle and gradually work it into a ball.
  • For conventional hash chunk just work it with some heat (an amplifier or a router) and it will gradually form.
Please add/criticize/comment. I want to perfect my method.
Ive only made “temple balls” about 4-5 times.

I threw away my zester / microplane and use spoons and a seive. I prefer working in the cold.

dry inside a pizza box, a guy on reddit was putting parchment on a cookie rack and that inside a pizza box, then putting the pizza box in a mini fridge, he was able to maintain some really light colors in his hash, unfortunately his “tek” was posted on a sub that went private.

fresh frozen, well your gonna end up with plant material as the water expands and breaks the cells. I met one dude who was making hash day of harvest.

definitely age it in wrapped cellulose, it breaks down and gets soft.

I prefer to hand stir in a bucket, but if your using a machine, replace the hose with a smooth tube.

by hand stiring, i remove the floating mass of plant material and filter the water, its my double bucket method.

I seen a guy hang his bags from like 6 ft saw horses so the bags where inside each other, but just a little bit.

Heres my last run.



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ICMag Donor
dry inside a pizza box, a guy on reddit was putting parchment on a cookie rack and that inside a pizza box, then putting the pizza box in a mini fridge, he was able to maintain some really light colors in his hash, unfortunately his “tek” was posted on a sub that went private.
I started drying on cardboard - pizza boxes are rare here - but I moved to a cookie sheet and air drying. Yes, it does darken it but color ain't important to me. Unless I can figure out red . . . ;)
I prefer working in the cold.
Before I got my machine I always did runs outside in the winter with a bucket and a wooden spoon. I froze and the bubble was good but it always had too much contamination. I guess I was not gentle enough. The machine solved it.
Last edited:


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ICMag Donor
I should also mention that I only used aged bud. I think the youngest I have done was 6 months old bud.

I made some rosin one time with fresh frozen and I could taste the green along with the terpenes.


Well-known member
I should also mention that I only used aged bud. I think the youngest I have done was 6 months old bud.

I made some rosin one time with fresh frozen and I could taste the green along with the terpenes.

Same here, I have a whole trim bin full for next run, been too lazy to get to it, its in good temps and humidity though. The plants had very little buds, just all frost.



I filled up a half gallon mason jar with the best buds and just quit lol.

I give these buds away when people i don’t know come asking for freebies lol

Here is a pic from the grow. Ethos Freebie seeds Purple Fantasy, unreleased.

i gave em a good flush so smoking the leaves is pretty smooth.




mack 10

Resin Herder
Just how I like a good Nepalise.
The smell , taste and transport to the moon is unmistakable.
Keep up the good work,
An don't forget to bless a newbie to Hash
With a few pipes of freedom.
Sow them seeds.
Hash should be for everyone but the youth of today just don't geddit.


Well-known member
Just how I like a good Nepalise.
The smell , taste and transport to the moon is unmistakable.
Keep up the good work,
An don't forget to bless a newbie to Hash
With a few pipes of freedom.
Sow them seeds.
Hash should be for everyone but the youth of today just don't geddit.
It’s getting hyper competitive, they make bubblehash, keep it as loose sift, and make rosin out of it.

only problem is hash rosin, not to be confused with resin, needs to stay in the fridge.

mack 10

Resin Herder
I'm well versed in Rosin.
We really opened some eyes when we
Showed the Moroccans
What hair straightners could do..
lol. Was a while back.
Comes out super nice as they leave the Hash in powder.


Well-known member
I'm well versed in Rosin.
We really opened some eyes when we
Showed the Moroccans
What hair straightners could do..
lol. Was a while back.
Comes out super nice as they leave the Hash in powder.

Awesome! I was trying to teach one of my buddies how to grow, he was working as a bud tender, every time he came over it was either rosin or thca diamonds, shit was exciting.

But then you start hearing how some companies are putting terps back into distilled diamonds, so i’ve drifted back to just buds, hash, and qwet.

I should get a rosin press!


Well-known member
I am a fan of both the rosin and bubble! I use the traditional bubble bags with high quality trim. Keep trim frozen and use ice cold water with added ice.
I separate out the good sizes...for me the u-75 is sweet.
Here is the results of a fairly recent run.
bubble run 1 - Copy.jpg gg4 bubble gold - Copy.jpg gg4 bubble 73 - Copy.jpg
Hash just hits a bit diff than the flower that is for sure.
Have a great day all!
Peace, neagtive.


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ICMag Donor
Hash just hits a bit diff than the flower that is for sure.

Exactly. It aims more at the body. Even racy strains are much tamer in hash form. I have a Zamaldelica Thai leaner than gets jaggedy and I always need an Indica to balance it. When I smoke the hash however, it is a much rounder high.


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ICMag Donor
Since I was doing a bubble run this weekend, I decided to add some pictures to this thread . . .

Break the buds up by hand and freeze it overnight. This is a job best done when you are very high.


I cut the bottom out of a 5 gallon Home Despot pail to drain into the sink as I wash the bags. I use all-mesh bags for better flow but the standard mesh-end bags work well too.


I set up a work table in my wash area. The 25u blotters are on a towel for easy squish drying. The stainless steel bowl and the spoon are my capture implements.


I put the pail with all of its bags in the laundry sink for easy rinsing with a garden nozzle on a hose. The nozzle lets me use different spray patterns and pressures etc.


Bury the frozen buds in an ice sandwich and float it with water.



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After a ½ hour to get really cold, I add more water to the fill line (when running) which gives me a nice vortex. Frenchy always wanted a vortex.


Another Frenchy tip. Once you drain into your filter bags, wash each bag at high pressure to really blast the trich heads through the mesh and let the filter bags do their job. You want it to foam.


As it gets cleaner, the water will flow through easier and your blob can be gathered in the bottom center of the bag. Here is the golden blob.


I – very carefully - remove the bag from the bucket, turn it inside out and insert the stainless steel bowl so I can easily stretch the bag and hold it with one hand, to capture all of the goodness with a spoon in the other.


Moving fast . . . deposit the wet blob on your blotter, shape it into a rectangle, fold the blotter over to squeeze out excess water. Quickly pry the blob from the blotter. If you don’t move fast here, the resin goo instantly starts gluing itself to the blotter and scraping them it off always adds a bit of cloth fibre . . . so just move fast.


After you finish with each bag, give it a fast rinse with cold water and put it aside for further cleaning at the end of the session or for another wash run of this material.

Now you have all of your extractions, put them in the freezer along with your micro planer. Let it all freeze well – I usually overnight it. Then working quickly, plane the frozen blobs onto a flat clean surface. The resin powder sticks to everything so choose your surface well.


I use a cookie sheet but I intend to replace it with a non-stick version shortly. Parchment laid on any suitable flat area would work but I am a klutz with parchment and its attachment problems and shit seems to bounce away. So I plane onto a cookie sheet and dry it for around 48 hours. It is critical that you dry it well before further processing. It is also critical that you keep this away from dust and pet hair and other pollutants. Exposure will darken it somewhat.


Well-known member
well.. your process comes off nearly identical to frenchies.

is the herb nice a saturated before you start? what does the machine sound like when running? outside of those questions looking fantastic


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ICMag Donor
well.. your process comes off nearly identical to frenchies.

That was my goal. He was the master. His vids really inspired me.

is the herb nice a saturated before you start?

It is nicely wet. It sits in the ice water for 30 minutes.

what does the machine sound like when running?

Loud. It makes an 'Ice cubes smacking plastic' kind of noise. :cool:

The motor stops and reverses every 10 seconds or so for added entertainment.