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Lets 'Pimp' out a cheap greenhouse!


New member
This thread is for ideas on how to get the max grow out of a Costco carport tent. JJ has set the bar, but my weather is a bit different.

The area is dry, with average humidity. It can get down right cold
any evening of the year. In short, huge temp. swings! I need heat!

X2 greenhouses (Costco)
X2 Mr Heater Buddy Propane heaters.
100 gallon Smart pots
String lights from The D' with CFL 6500k
More to come

Here is the plan so far, until you all think up something better!

This will be a no power area (genset)

Run the two tents side to side 9 plants per tent
Start plants in Feb in veg
Create a frame for a fan on one side, vents on the other (on the ends of tent), both tents Fans up high. Manual!
I will use the outside cold temps to my advantage! I can vent in cold air, or keep it sealed to hold in some of the c02 from the heater.
If i get it dialed right, i can bring in enough cold air and genrate enough heat to offset, and keep temps around 70's winter....
So during the days:

I run the heaters on low, to keep the area around 70-75 degrees.
This in turn generates Co2. I can vent the tents if the temps swing too high.

At night,

I open up the ventilation in tent, and run the heaters at a higher setting. This lets the plants feel a little temp drop.

At night, i run the Home Depot string lights off genset' Until flower
CFL 6500k to keep them in Veg

Net result ( i think)

I get to put my plants in around Feb' nice long veg period. I get good sun from the high elevation area. I use the cold weather early on to generate co2 for the veg period.

SO that is the base plan. Lets make it better!


Hey ScoobySnacks. Sounds like an interesting idea.

I don't have much to contribute I really just replied cause of your name heh.


Kiss My Ring
sounds like a plan.
the carports are end to end? or side by side?
what is the total footprint of these two carports in sq. ft'age? (connected or not?)

just the ticket for regions with less than perfect conditions.



Active member
i have a mr buddy heater . your greenhouse will have to be small and your gonna burn through fuel fast. the one i have is supposedly low co2 output so can be used indoors.


supermanlives is correct, you'll burn much fuel with this setup. Full season plants only need to be protected from freezing. Heater provided high night time temps also maxes out your humidity levels so mold issues are much more prevalent.

Exhaust system also needs to be able to exchange total air mass in one minute or less. Large thermostat controlled shutter exhaust fans and passive intake vents work well.

Just my thoughts.


Filling jugs with water and leaving them in the greenhouse will get wanted up during the day and relase the heat at night. Also making compost in the greenhouse will keep temp up and provide co2