Will the legalization of marijuana create a larger supply of high quality pure sativa production?
Currently, the most popular strains are of the indica-dominant or hybrid variety. Indica's have shorter flowering times and do not need as much room to grow indoors which made them a better suited cash-crop for legal/illegal operations. This is why we do not see as much of high quality pure sativas available at dispensaries or on the streets. They generally take longer to grow and produce less which equates to lower revenues. More risk, less reward for sativas.
Now that risk is or will become less of a concern. Will we see trends shift in favor of sativa cultivation?
Currently, the most popular strains are of the indica-dominant or hybrid variety. Indica's have shorter flowering times and do not need as much room to grow indoors which made them a better suited cash-crop for legal/illegal operations. This is why we do not see as much of high quality pure sativas available at dispensaries or on the streets. They generally take longer to grow and produce less which equates to lower revenues. More risk, less reward for sativas.
Now that risk is or will become less of a concern. Will we see trends shift in favor of sativa cultivation?