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H8ters gonna h8
ICMag Donor
I came accross this and thought it would be interesting to share it with all the German (and Austrian) fellows... First glass grid and now this! :spank:

Source: The New England Journal of Medicine

April 10, 2008

By: Busse F, Omidi L, Leichtle A, Windgassen M, Kluge E, Stumvoll M.

In recent months several cases of lead poisoning were observed in Germany, mainly in the region of Leipzig. Some cases also occurred in other places, such as Munich and Vienna, Austria. According to a report published in the New England Journal of Medicine 29 patients were admitted to four different hospitals in the greater Leipzig area with classic signs and symptoms of lead intoxication, which had not occurred in Germany in recent decades. All patients were regular cannabis users and lead was detected in cannabis of some patients.

A criminal investigation was begun to find the causer of the lead adulteration. Lead was obviously added to the drug by drug traffickers to increase weight and profit. An anonymous screening program for cannabis users was started and further 95 subjects were found, who had blood levels of lead that required treatment. The Drug Commissioner of the Federal Government, Sabine Baetzing, issued a warning on cannabis that may be adulterated by lead. Several German organisations called for the possibility for cannabis users to grow their own for personal use to reduce the risks of cannabis use.



Browser said:
Several German organisations called for the possibility for cannabis users to grow their own for personal use to reduce the risks of cannabis use.

Good read, those organizations should be commended for putting out the right message.


there are of course some (small) organisations (with less - than less influence. yet at least), who "fight for the rights of the homegrowers", but the prob is, that no one of those politicians in germany cares about.
I by myself have written 3 mails to mrs baetzing, 1 via "german hemp association" as a mailing, 2 as private emails.

there has not even been an answer from anyone of her office yet - and I don't believe there once will be one .

fuck that system. my message will never change. I pee on it. the only way to make me satisfied. anyhow.

they all fuckin ignore "our" messages. they just fuckin ignore "our" arguments. sometimes you hear somethin on tv/radio. sometimes there's a read in a newspaper. but nothin more. no reaction. no action. nothing.

they just eat their shit. no one cares about tha fact, that there are gals n guys who like to smoke their own grown weed, not that dirty sick shit, that sometimes crawls around. they don't accept, that those gals n guys want to be everything else, than gettin ciminalized for growing their pot, just for no more having to buy shit on the streets.


I suppose: things will never change. (at least these things won't. not before we start a new revolution! :joint: )

viva la conspiración! :headbange
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Traktor driver
I saw a report on this in the news, it was a spokesmann of the green party that said people should be allowed to grow their own for personal use. :yes:


good thing in that case was: the police in Leipzig (the city where this poisoned weed was mostly found) gave tokers the chance to get their buds checked - anonymously and without any "investigations".
so tokers had the possibility to let someone test their weed to find out if it is poisoned or not.

and, of course, there were (and even are) some politicians, who said, that "we" should have our rights. that "homegrowing" should be allowed. yes.
but I don't raise my thumb for them. at least not before it really gets a "politicum", and not just a phrase to make people vote for someone....;)

even the "green party", who years ago had "legalisation of cannabis" on their portfolio, became "mutherfucking systemated" when they had their "seats in parliament" - and since then they no more talked about it.

so our situation didn't change, not even a little bit.

that's the way it always goes. not just in germany. we are only a little "branch" of that huge "global american tree"...hehe...

drug enforcement is controlled globally. our wannabe-politicians, those braindead marionettes, will never change anything. just because: they can't.
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H8ters gonna h8
ICMag Donor
Hello people, glad to get some reactions on this.

First it was sandy grind, then glass and now this :spank: 93 I'm on you that home growing would be the most sound way to get smokers out of the gang's produce. Smokers want quality, org. crime only looks for profit.

93|93 said:
our wannabe-politicians, those braindead marionettes, will never change anything. just because: they can't.

While it has already become obvious that you don't belive in politicians. I do think that there's an opportunity of change (call me naive :redface: ) if we smokers organize and show that we are not all " young, unemployed or students, with a history of smoking, and body piercings" :D

The cannabis social clubs are a great alternative, and a good start too.

The Greens, well, they have promised things thoughout Europe, but the truth is that there're other things in their agenda (maybe correctly so) than smokers.

I wouldn't really blame them, they at least have pronounced themselves, and politics is a dirty game. Just look at the trend accross Europe, even in the Netherlands they're reviewing their drug policy... :bashhead:

Then there're the civil society organizations. Organized cityzends that get together to express they views and lobby for them :joint:

A good example would be to, this May get your friends out and join the Global Marijuana march :rasta:

Just some ideas :smoke:


hi browser!

no that's way far from being "naive", as I also believe that there is a possibility.
I just use harsh words for -actual- situation/politicians.

of course I also support organisations like "deutscher hanfverband" and those
and of course I will join "hemp parade" this august - to show my ugly face :rasta:

sometimes there's a bull rodeoing me I suppose:D. mainly I'm always friendly - but sometimes I like it to say "FUCK FUCK FUCK fuck that fucking system!" :D

maybe I suffer from tourette syndrome...lol.


I used to grow down the back yard at my parents house when i was a fair bit younger till the blueys came for a visit and couldnt find em. Gotta be better then buying those buds from someone like me.ha.Keep the lead out of it man.