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Kroggi's Vertical Tubes #2 Legends of Ultimate Indica


Changed to White Russian instead of Legends of Ultimate Indica, read why here

So... It's time for a new round, and since the last one with White Russian which can be seen HERE, has ended... I had to do some improvements, cleanings and some other stuff to get this run ready.

The strain i will be running this time will be LUI - Legends of Ultimate Indica, got around 70 clones with small roots now, and gonna have them set in the new Ebb & Flow setup im gonna try out, to make some roots, and then when they have long enough roots, they will be placed in the vertical setup to get a good grow start.

The vertical setup got a facelift aswell, i removed the panda plastic (black and white), cleaned the tubes on the outside, taped over the holes, put a pressure washer in and blew it clean on the inside, from each hole... Removed the tape and added some new insulated reflection. Insulated as there flamingo on the backside, so the pipes wont be heated up that much compaired to before. Also i leveled the tubes out so theres a minor fall towards the end, and bought some dams to put in aswell if thats gonna be needed. And lastly, a new reservoir of 170 liters instead of the old 65 liter res :)

A few pics before the plants gets in, should be in order... So here you go :)

Pictures showing:
Roots and plastic on tubes, before it got cleaned out.
Tubes with tape, before the high pressure cleaning.
The new insulation and reflection on the tubes (still missing a bit).
And the Ebb & Flow setup with 5 x 18w lights.

Questions and comments, are more than welcome.


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Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Tagged.....this is going to be very interesting.....LUI13.....is one of my "before I stop growing I gotta run dis beotch strains"

keep it green, love your design as well!


Hey, wish you fun and luck for this !

building in a dam is a good idea, dont forget that the circling water needs enough O² and should be at a temp of about ~21-23°C. btw what size is ur pump?
Well and if you have time and money left you could think about pushing the RH in the veg and early flower time with some of these foggers http://www.conrad.de/ce/de/product/550768/3-FACH-NEBLER

in the last thread i read about your ec at 1,3-1,5. All really experienced growers do not try to push the limits of what a plant can eat...they try to find a "diet" so the plants are always hungry and want to eat everything they get.. so over the long-range they eat more as if you push the ec to the limit!

just my 2 cents :>


Hi Kroggi

Do you know how much water the pipes hold when you've flooded them? (Roughly will do).

LUI will be a very good strain for this system nice solid colas bud from top to toe :joint: It has a tendency to mold though because of the sweet tooth genetics so watch out for the humidity and maybe pull leafs for better circulation near the end.

Rooting for you mate! I know you can hit a gpw with those genes :)


@Shhh - Hey bro, and welcome to second round ;)

@CannabisFox - Thanks m8. The pump size for the vertical system i believe is a 1000 liter / hour pump. Ive allways wanted to try a fogger, but dunno m8. I want to have the system dialed in before adding new things, such as a fogger. It would most likely be a future addition, but for now, tuning the system in is what i got my mind set for :p

Hm, interresting "2 cents" about the EC... Never thought about it that way, but, im gonna put it to the test :D Thanks :p

@shhh - I believe the tubes hold around 40 - 50 liters of solution without dams installed. It all depends on the size of the pump really, as u could have a smaller pump than what i have, and settle with 20 liters in the system.

I lost a few clones due to too much water with the clones, so im down to 59 currently, and i just moved the survivors with roots, to the ebb&flow system, where they will be for the next 2 weeks more or less :) But im hopeing for a high yield this time :D 1 gpw would be acceptable :p hehe. I actually got the toothless grin aswell, but i dont think ill be running that with the vertical system tho...

New average plant yield will now be 20.4g instead of 18.75. Should be doable :)

Added one picture of the clones put into the ebb&flow system.

njoy :)


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Something bad have happened... Ive been on vacation, and while ive been that, one of my timers have popped... That timer controlled the watering of the new clones, which led to starvation... More or less all of them was dead as i walked in to check up on them.

I threw out the timer after i checked the error on it (digital outdoor timer), and could see that it had reset its self. There was no programmed timings to find in the timer, and therefor no watering... So i flooded the system for an hour, in hope to soak up the roots and let some survivors show, which they did. 8 of them still stands and is now under special treatment, with a new timer put into play aswell.

So... 8 plants for a vertical system with 64 holes? Nah... Therefor i called in a few favors, and seems ill be able to run a White Russian grow again, so the LUI grow will be postponed for now... This is one of the bad things about hydro... It takes so little time for something to go wrong, and u have to be there when it happens to actually do something about it.

This thread will be changed to White Russian...


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Arghhhhh noooooooooo I so wanted to see the LUI run, so sorry to hear what happened Kroggi, thank god I have a trusted partner to back me up when working or traveling.


Ah well how it goes sometimes mate... at least your familiar with the White Russian from your last run so will know how they stretch and grow in the system. Looking forward to seeing the system back in action whatever is running :)


Just Say Grow
sucks to hear bout what you came home to, I just got back from a week long camp out and although I run blumats i still paid a VERY trusted buddy to look after things for the week...worth every cent.


@megayields - You and me both m8. The 8 surviving plants will be put into "mother mode" so they can provide cuts for me for the next run. Its prolly gonna be something like a bobble box or something they will be running in. So it aint the end of the world for me, it just got put back a few weeks, and a strain postponed :(

@shhh - Yeah, this time im gonna let them get the time they need, all of them, so they can grow in a similar pattern, and by that, producing more :) So it should be better ;)

@whadeezlrg - I do have a buddy checking when i aint in the country, and to make it worse, i was suppose to get home a day earlier, which got ruined by other appointments i had made... So, we took the extra day in the luxury, and i payed the price when i got home. 24 hours could have made a big difference :( I too love blumats, i just dont know if thats something i would choose for hydro :/

But yeah, shit happens sometimes, and this was one of those times.

And now that im at it with mothering the LUI up, i might try some AK99 aswell, to see how that would fit into the vertical inviroment :) Time will tell


Upgrades to the room... Had a little flip, so i stripped the whole room, and made it better in somewhat way :D

Gonna try hanging the bulbs with steelwire, but im affraid the wire might be a bit too close to the bulb...? What do u guys think?

Pics says it all


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Active member
For hanging your lights... I would recommend you buy turnbuckles, and hand the lamps from those... Check out my lamps. You don't need to attach them to the floor. The weight of the lamps will keep the stack hanging correctly.

I would also suggest you remove all that excess ducting you have on your exhaust. Every bend and turn decreases the airflow. Extra duct = extra resistance. Tighten that shit up and you'll move more air, and extend the life of your fan.


Roger that bobble, never thought about it that way... Seems like a good way to go, and therefor im heading out shopping tomorrow for the required stuff :p

The reason i attacked the wires down, is due to the high fan speed... It really does knock some air up and makes the bulbs spin in a large circle... So, attaching the wires helps :)

Ducting coming up aswell... *cough* lazy *cough*


Active member
If the lamps are swinging around, you're blasting too much air at them. Lamps run more efficiently hot... but we want that heat to go up, so you push it gently toward the ceiling, to be picked up by the extraction fan. Heat rises naturally, so it doesn't need much help. Blasting it up causes it to hit the ceiling and bounce around.... Instead of being exhausted immediately.