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Well-known member
Thanks Creeperpark,

Little update after 20 days 11:13: my Kerala all showed their sex, 5 out of 8 are males. Kibungan is much slower, 1 confirmed female, 1 possible and 2 unknown.


Well-known member

All Kibungan showed their sex after about 28 days. 3 females, 1 male. I am keeping 2 females and 1 Kerala female and train them to fit my box. Let's see if I can flower these for 3 months to start.

Lights run at 10 light 14 darkness.

Kibungan in the front and to the left.




Kerala (quite a bit faster than the Kibu's)


The Zientist

Well-known member

Wanted to acquired that Kerala from TRSC a couple years ago, missed it though. I recently purchased the one from Khalifa, not wanting to do the same mistake.

Curious leaf morphology on that male. Is it the same on your other Kerala?
Your's are developing quite quickly and in a very proper fashion, specially indoors. Congrats 🎉

Looking forward to see how the Kibungan unfolds as well.


Well-known member

Wanted to acquired that Kerala from TRSC a couple years ago, missed it though. I recently purchased the one from Khalifa, not wanting to do the same mistake.

Curious leaf morphology on that male. Is it the same on your other Kerala?
Your's are developing quite quickly and in a very proper fashion, specially indoors. Congrats 🎉

Looking forward to see how the Kibungan unfolds as well.

TRSC Kerala looks similar to the Khalifa Kerala. Worth growing if you like narrow leaf whispy buds plants. They take a long time to grow trichomes but the resulting grass is quite potent. Very fruity/fruit candy like smell.

Morphology of all the Kerala males is highly similar, all thin-leaved very slender plants. Thing is that they went from indoors to outdoors, from10 hours of light to ~ 14 hours of light, and are revegging, they went down from 5-7 "fingers" to 3 sometimes connected at the base to 1. But they did their job pollinating a Kibungan female, pollen sacks opened in the first week outdoors.

So far the Kibungan females are more vigorous than the Kerala female, faster growing, lighter green but also slower in making flowers.


Well-known member
As a note. Plants are in BAC lava substrate, with 5% extra perlite and 5% Canna coco plus to make it more airy. No fertilizers so far and watered with demineralized water (pH ~ 6.8) as I have access to demi from a laboratory.


Well-known member
Update Sep26

Pics were made in the dark, hoping to catch the trichomes on the Kerala. That didn't work out but the "spears" nicely show.

So far the combination of bac-lava soil and demineralized water works well. Last weeks I started feeding a bit, just a regular room plant fertilizer 5-5-5 at 50% of recommended dose 2 times per week. Plants look nicely green and I largely avoid burnt tips this run.

Kerala by night. Lovely lovely plant. Towering little fox tails. Most of the silvery grey shine is due to trichomes.


Kibungan by night. Lots of pistils, waiting for trichomes. I am not in a hurry.


Well-known member
Update Oct 3.

Day length went down to 9.5 hours, to push the kibungan a bit. I increased the amount of light by running the 2 x 70 w CDM-T for 2 hours a day, additional to the LED. UV tube runs 30 min at noon still. When all lights run about 300 w goes onto the 80 x 40 cm surface of the box.



Kibungan, trichomes are slowly coming
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Well-known member
Update at I think 11 weeks flowering.

The grow is going well. Kerala is one big trichome covered foxtail. Kibungan has really grown into fluffy spears and trichomes are coming on strong, even on small leaves. I feed with weak 5-5-5 twice a week still, plants look a bit underfed but I think the plant pulling nutrients from leaves is fine / natural. I am not going to play with extra feeding.

Kerala smells fruity, sort of sweet but smell is not as strong as earlier Keralas. Kibungan smell is hard to define, pine meets cilantro and herbal shampoo. Not sweet or fruity to me.


Kerala. Still new pistils come onto the foxtails so I am letting it go on.

Kibungan. Hairy and leafy.
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Well-known member
Thanks! This is the 4th run with the box and procedures work well.

Curious about the Kibungan, could be potent grass, the proof will be in the smoking.

Next run will be a copy of this one. I am thinking of growing ACE Panama, that is on my list.

Maybe cross my Kerala with ACE Malawi, I bought a pack of the "fruity pheno". I really like the carrot smell of Mauritius x Ethiopia, the most wonderful cannabis smell I have ever smelled. I want to make a strain that combines hardcore carrot smells with high potency. After the Afghan/white widow run I realized that when you only have a small space to grow for your own demand, potency is a major criterion.
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Well-known member
Very very cool to see such wild sativas so well tamed and happy in a wardrobe.

Reminds me of when i use to grow in an Ikea double wardrobe under flouros :cool:

Zamal is strong and stinks of carrots/parsnips too.