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keeping clone alive

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
Question for all you advanced types out there, is it possible to keep a clone or slips alive in fridge . etc, for long periods of time> ? can u keep a strain alive in suspended animation?...

TS :chin:


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Tissue culture, indefinitely I believe, if handling, treatment and storage conditions are on the level. There's a company in Van that provides the service. How legal and what they charge are other questions.

I've read reports of growers having success after 1-6 monthes in the fridge, but have not seen it done.


ICMag Donor
I've kept cuts in the fridge for a month to 6 weeks in a glass of water, changed every few days.

Snip the callous end off prior to placing in the cloner.


Invertebrata Inebriata
I have put cuts in a baggie, and kept them in the fridge like that for a few days, like a week, with no ill effects.


Left some cuts/clones in my cloner for a long ass time... prob 6 weeks to 2 months.... looked like they woulda kept going dwc style if I topped em and kept up with res changes.... roots were super white with major neglect. Leaves perfect... I use a dwc type cloner...


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
I found saving clips in the fridge to be sort of a gene bank
I use pyrex test tubes, and change the water out every few days
I've rooted cuts successfully that have been in the fridge for up to a month


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Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
If you stay on changing the water every two or three days you can store clones in the fridge for a long time. I put two drops of hygrozyme in the water and have kept clips in the fridge and successfully rooted them close to 6 months later.

Strawberries are very hardy plants that can take some frost, cannabis can not. I have had zero luck freezing clippings.

Tissue culture is a good way to keep genetics for an extended time. Kits are sold and the hardest part is keeping the area clean. If you can do that its a snap. Lots of info out there on tissue culture.


Active member
Good idea, but have you ever tried it yourself?:biggrin:

Not as yet ..but have sen it done with commercial strawberry growers, getting more than one season per year ...is to freeze the clones for up to 6 months, just ensure you have stout roots first


Invertebrata Inebriata
Just don't think it will work with cannabis cuts. Like stoned-trout said, you'll end up with mush. You can't smoke strawberries and you can't freeze cannabis cuts*. I wish I could get high on strawberries, make my life simpler.

*You can freeze them, it's the thawing out part that ruins it.


Active member
Tissue culture is the way to go, if you have a laminar flowhood or glovebox. We'd all be trading genetics super easy and discreetly...

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
`thnx for all responses guys , I will be looking into tissue culture ,.... seems to be the best method,....I report back.
