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Kali Mist@6-7 weeks, deep h20...



...She's on a PBlend, Liquid K, an Sweet diet for now. The stalk is large in comparison to the other K.M's I've grown. K. Mist is amazing. The way she grows... ck it... I wanna buy one of the crosses w/ KM. I love K.Mist. Peace :wave: :joint: In the deep h20, she is much more pungent smelling real sweet an strong. stronger than previous in soil. Maybe it's the Sweet? The roots are acually tearing through the mesh of the basket. Is the small mesh of the basket restricting the growth of the roots?

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I have a pack of KM awaiting in the fridge...I am now juiced to get them going....nice work


Dam that hydro plant i gave to you is turning out to be a brute its all that high stress training i gave her

Think she even looks better than my last kali mist dwc


Here is a pic of the mother
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you said it Unicorn...one of my very favs too. thanx Thumb, Nat,Unicorn. Slips, this lil camera ain't to bad I guess. That last pic looks cool. I'm experiencing error in up loading... I jus got some more cool pics an can't et em up. Might be the S.Star??? thanx . peace
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i have problems uploading all the time....usally takes two trys...i dont know why....your camera is better than mine myfriend
joeshmoe said:
you said it Unicorn...one of my very favs too. thanx Thumb, Nat,Unicorn. Slips, this lil camera ain't to bad I guess. That last pic looks cool. I'm experiencing error in up loading... I jus got some more cool pics an can't et em up. Might be the S.Star??? thanx . peace


yup slips, you do like to brutalize them don't cha'? Nice shots of your ladies too Unicorn... best sativa huh. peace
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I am going to be flowering My kali Mist under 200Watts of t5 and plan on keeping it short and squat.....will this work of should i just do it outdoor?


Thumb, If you ever have a chance of indoors or mother nature.... outside. Just my opinion. depends on the strain too. you'll yield more outside. a bit late in my season for starting flower. depends also on your outdoor conditions. heres one fattining up outside. much bigger. the less you have to imitate mother nature the better. Peace :wave: :joint:

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Yea I figured outside would be better....i'll just have to wait awhile...maybe I'lll keep the indicas inside and the sativas outside.....really excited though because i do not believe I have ever smoked a true sativa before...heard its great....But as for the outside I am just worried about bugs and such....Also would it be a good Idea to veg it as big as possible indoors then throw it outside or will the change from lets say 24 hr or 18/6 to the natural light cycle hermi it?

Thanks for the feedback..and keep up with this thread...your plants are beautiful


Oh yea also I recieved a jug of 'Sweet" for free....when should that be introduced into the mix and how much...and what does it do?


Damn Sweet Grow Joe....Sweet Nuggies Great job...Keep up the good work! and thanks for sharing!

Kali-Mist is goooooooooooood


Hey SuperNuck, she's 3 ft. tall. Man somebody nominated a couple of my other pics forPOTM... I think this thread has a better shot of my KALI.

Thanx Respect, Thumb, S.N..... on the Kali inside dwc, I'v been useing Sweet everyother feed 1/2 issue. I never used it all the way through yet, the indoor dwc Kali will be the first. what it actually does....??? cost me $, to add something I don't quit understand to my lovelies, an hope nothing bad happens. I do Know that SHE is an amazing plant, probably the best yet of my Kali adventures.... an SWEET is ONE of the differences. As for hearing about how good it is... I havent tried a better sativa.... yet. I'll keep trying ofcorse. Heres the pic I like. It looks to me like the black on top (backround) ..is the top of an eyelid. Its the brim of my hat , but it makes it look like your looking out through an eyeball made of Killer Kali ...tipped ofcorse. maybe its just Sensi Star of the Brain? Peace,enjoy an BE HAPPY no matter what! It can always be worse. :wave: :joint: :yoinks:
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Hey Thumb, Bugs are not a big problem OUTSIDE. If your plants are healthy... natural preditors, and there own immune system is all good. It's inside where mites can get a stronghold quick, without nature on your side.... you can win, its just hard. peace


Active member
If they bbecome a problem.
Spray the whole plant with neem oil every few days up till the last week or so.

Hewre's my indoor Kali Mist.
It lokks strange because I flowered her at 4 inches.
0 veg time.
It's 2 feet now.
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Thanx Respect, Thumb, S.N..... on the Kali inside dwc, I'v been useing Sweet everyother feed 1/2 issue. I never used it all the way through yet, the indoor dwc Kali will be the first. what it actually does....??? cost me $, to add something I don't quit understand to my lovelies, an hope nothing bad happens. I do Know that SHE is an amazing plant, probably the best yet of my Kali adventures.... an SWEET is ONE of the differences. As for hearing about how good it is... I havent tried a better sativa.... yet. I'll keep trying ofcorse. Heres the pic I like. It looks to me like the black on top (backround) ..is the top of an eyelid. Its the brim of my hat , but it makes it look like your looking out through an eyeball made of Killer Kali ...tipped ofcorse. maybe its just Sensi Star of the Brain? Peace,enjoy an BE HAPPY no matter what! It can always be worse. :wave: :joint: :yoinks: looking through the eye of a killer green, bud.... :yoinks:
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Thanx Unicorn, dam nice girls you got! hey, ya know how to make the pics bigger? OK... when you click on the pic you want, it shows up as letters and numbers. useuallly 2-3lines. look through it till you find the word THUMB. plus a dash infront of it.... delete. u will delete 5 letters and a dash b4 the word. BAM! big pics. then we all can see better your lil ladies. peace