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just off the trail cam

memphis man

i got a picture of this buck wednesday evening. this has me amped to get out with my bow tommorow morning


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Mr. Mountain

Taking that Buck down with a bow is some real hunting.

Not that I would know!

Bowhunting is beyond my capability I'm afraid, although I could do a fine job with a .308

I wish you the best of luck (not that you'll need it I'm sure.)

Mr. M


"Taking that Buck down with a bow is some real hunting."

really? in front of a bait station?

memphis man

although baiting is legal where i hunt this trough has had nothing in it in weeks i use this trough to feed protien during the summer when they are growing thier horns. and puddin tane have you ever shot a bow? have you ever hunted? if you wanna bitch and try to piss on my parade please doit somewhere else. im very proud of this deer i have been watching him for 4 years now on trail cams and have let him walk two times before. for all you tree hugging cow ejaculating donkey dick sucking folks kiss my entire country born ass! and for all you vegetarians out there just know that my food takes a shit on your food

memphis man

thanks mad dapper my trigger finger has been itchin for weeks lol. damm near have a callus on it from scrathin lmao


To Have More ... Desire Less
nice phatt boyz........

nice phatt boyz........

nice...buckz.....I'm with U.......pop a cap in thAT ASS.....
or @ least a quarrel from my trusty crossbow.......

to old to be pull'in 100lb compund bow.......

BUT.....believe U me snow...shine...wind...and or rain.....
I'll be other 3+ timez aweek......
I live for hunting season......
gott me awild boar last year.......

and need 2-3 buckz ever year to keep the freezer well stoked....
my preferance of beef......


haha be easy bro,

good advice there!

yes I have shot a bow, I am pretty decent at it too.
yes I have been hunting and dressed my own deer.
yes I used said bow to do it.

All I was saying was where's the sport in it when you bait em in for half the year?

I was taught to HUNT. you know, the craft of walking in the woods/watching/stalking/setting up/driving. Not sitting in front of a corn trough.

Go get em killa

edit: baiting isnt allowed where I live, so lets just agree to disagree


Nice rack

Nice rack

Damn nice buck there hoss, good luck tomorrow morning.


Active member
you been stocking him for 4 years... its like killing your buddy... So be a man! corner that buck with a bowa knife and see what happens hahahaha.....


damn that's a nice tall buck. you can bait here as well but you have to stop like 2 weeks before you hunt it and you have to be so many yards off the food plots as well. to each there on i've went in and took them on a damage stamp in a orchard got so many we started donating the meat but it was still just as fun.

memphis man

thanks for all the compliments guys. its been alot of hard work but it sure is fun when the work is over. i have seen some bucks on this property that are bigger than this one but i dont have trail cams pics of them. ive been out all day setting up a new box stand over looking two new food plots in the middle of a standing hay field take a look and tell me what you think
pics 1 thru 6 are from inside the stand pic 7 is from the food plot looking back
pic 8 is for when nature calls lmao this is a joke for my grandfather whom i take hunting every chance i get
pic 9 is a secluded food plot in the middle of some of the thickest shit ive ever seen
pic ten is a ground blind that looks up the side of the thicket that pic 9 is in the middle of


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Golden Coast
i got a picture of this buck wednesday evening. this has me amped to get out with my bow tommorow morning

Sports man of the year!
Lure them in with food them murder them..

maybe you can just net them... then you could really get an even better shot like point blank in the eye ball or in its nards

Makes we wana learn voodoo and start making me some dolls! lol

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