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Juilet's New Verona


Bakin in da Sun
Heres a lil background info on this trooper:

She was started outside, by seed, in Texas' around Mid-May. She was started alongside her soul-mate, a Romeo plant that had been veged indoors. Suffice to say the rest of my outdoor plants are dead by mother nature, and the few that did survive popped nanners. Soon there after we found a home for Romeo. Hes doing quite nice, and should be hitting the chopping block in a few weeks.

Since we moved the romeo indoors, this juliet has been left for dead in the Texas' heat. It had not been watered/ferted/or given any human care for the last month and half. So when i went to check on it last week, i wasnt really expecting much. Instead of finding a dead little gimp, a 2 1/2ft thriving LADY was there. She has now been moved to Verona where she can be cared for like she deserved. The car ride was a lil rough on her, but shes now fully recovered, and loving her new hole.

Im going to go check on her, here in the next hour, and will try and get pictures uploaded soon.

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hey bartender cant wait to see the pics. I have been growing juliet for some time now and i think it is a great smoke. It finishes rather quickly indoors as well. Peace Homegrown


Bakin in da Sun
Picture Update

Picture Update

As promised here are the pics. Shes recovered quite nicely, with the new growth taking a nice dark lush green. The top also maybe *crossing fingers* has seemed to top itself from the car ride over. Its hard to explain, ill try and get a better pic of it next time. It just down poured here in Austin, so without further a do, here are the pics of my beutiful lady straight from the shower.

Click for Larger Image





Bakin in da Sun
Need Help

Need Help

I thought it fully recovered but I went to go check on it today. Like i said, it poored hard last night, and she seemed to have suffered a bit. Heres my best explaination of the problem:

Durring transportation a 6 inch portion of the top of plant bent over and kinked. I made a splint, and use a lil bit up tape to secure it. It seemed to have healed. A couple days after the move it was looking like the most healthiest part of the plant, dark lush new growth. I think the rain gat caught in between the tape and the stem, and may have caused it to start to rot. Portions above the kink have a slight brown color to them. Since then i removed the splint (which is doesnt need now).

However, the problem now is, everything (leave/budsites) above the kink is droopy, two of the leaves slight portions have turned borwn/black. But the rest of the top growth, is a lush dark green, just droopy. Its looking alot like it did the day after the move.

As you can see in the pictures, the top part looks fine. Those were taken last ngiht.

The bottom branches have started stretch quite a bit now. I hope the top part pulls through :(

Any tips?



Bakin in da Sun
A month later, and this baby has just taken off. I measured her today, shes a good 4ft.

I let the pics speak for themselves






Keep it green


nice save........

nice save........

........shes lookin very good. on that break......have a BBsativa goin that i broke over past 90 degreeson accident, pulled it up to 90 degrees and that plant pulled up and over to the light, from the break up the buds are goin strong, nice. from the break down the plant aint doin much.

its a supercroppin tech that crazy composer will be presentin to us in the next IC mag, "breakin there necks" seems he does it all the time.

either way look forward to the finish and how that girl turns out.



Bakin in da Sun
Jizz on my Plant

Jizz on my Plant

Thanks CBF for the kind words.

Important Q:

Near the budsites, I have noticed this white like, sticky, jizz stringy shit that is making the leaves stick to the buds and the stems. Ive tried to get it all off, and in doing so, I noticed that inside the substance there were these little worm like creatures.

Any ideas of what this is? or maybe the better question is how do I get rid of them?



Bakin in da Sun





Shes startin to pack on weight like a champ :D Stinky biatch, I can smell her a good few feet away. These pics are a few days old, btw.

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nice buds bartender. i love outdoor pics. Seeing herb growing in its natural state is always a refreshing dose of reality... this plant is natural , and wonderful. yet some of us are forced to bring it inside to enjoy it because of the laws we live under :(

you in the US? looks pretty sativa dom to be very far north if so! looking good though for sure, wish i had a few outdoor ladies to play with, might have to find a location for next year and go for it.



THCesar said:
nice buds bartender. i love outdoor pics. Seeing herb growing in its natural state is always a refreshing dose of reality... this plant is natural , and wonderful. yet some of us are forced to bring it inside to enjoy it because of the laws we live under :(

My thoughts EXACTLY.

GREAT SAVE, man. I'm glad she survived. :) Keep up the great job!


Active member
Nice job man :)

That girl looks C99 dominant,should start smelling soon.

Good luck.


Bakin in da Sun
JLP said:
Nice job man :)

That girl looks C99 dominant,should start smelling soon.

Good luck.

Yeah my thoughts too, thanks JLP for stoppin by. She is reaking now, smelling like fruit, with hints of sweet skunk + diesel that make your nose tinge.

THC- Yep, but im pretty far south, it shouldnt start to get cold here till begining of Novermber. Thanks for the comments

Ezozo- Ride on, your cindy diesels look beutiful as well. Thanks brother

Ill update sometime this weekend, she shocks me every time i see her with how much bud she puts out (isnt it nice when bitches put out? :D:D j/k)

thanks everyone,