Go! Go Johnny Go gO gO00))oo)jOHNNY BE GOODE.sO THERES this ambulance chaser that has run off with my heart.Yea his family is perfect and even Emma the showdog has thrown down the stupidity gauntlet.I'm one of those folks that are probably "over medicated" but who decides that.Well you cant decide to use cannaibis at least not yet.It doesn't work for me for pain simply because of my overuse of Opiods and opiates.Really sucks when you are so stupid you cash out on the only thing that kills pain.Then you are mostly very fucked when you hope that car doesn't pull in front of your back lest you go ouch motha fucka.O yea,Go Johnny Morgan you are truly for the people homeslice but ya SEEEM to have dusted off absolutely needy,and forgotten the people that use it for whatever reason.Thats me unapologically me.Drinkens haven't in some time