Interesting... I'm a big fan of brother Jaws/Pumas work, I've been running one of his crosses [White strawberry diesel] pretty much none stop for a couple of years now, Sitting on some of his other work as well, never enough time or enough room to pop them things.
Don't know bout the thread starters plants... but i will say this , jaws gear is the shit... i dont think ive seen a negative report.... the only way i think u will be unhappy if u pop ur tw beans is if u want a cookie pheno... lol
i got these from a buddy who knows breeders and helps me out. Don't know if he wants to be shouted out so ill leave him anonymous. but all the other strains he's given me have been pretty amazing. I had some train wreck back in the day and it was amazing! but now these dispensaries are carrying some bullshit.