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It's not smoking "Pot" that causes schizophrenia, it's just Smoking!


Active member
Read this article today - http://www.bbc.com/news/health-33464480 - and couldn't help but think of the past studies that branded cannabis smoking as an trigger for schizophrenia. Pretty much all the previous findings that were published as an indictment against marijuana use can now be seen in a different light. To my mind it looks more like the pre-schizoid mentality is just predisposed to smoking or its social/anti-social implications...


Genetic Resource Management
Nah I don't buy it.

Schizophrenics have altered levels of endo-cannabinoid metabolites in the CSF (cerebral spinal fluid), showing there is already a mis-regulation in this globally prevalent neurochemical system. There is also a ton of evidence that shows cannabis use can trigger psychosis in predisposed individuals, again pointing to a sensitivity to tinkering with the ECS circuitry.

Schizotypic disorders are a very wide spectrum, and it's likely the causes of progression into full blown schizophrenia are both numerous and complicated.

Smoking cannabis doesn't cause psychosis per se, that's a given, but it's also not for everyone that's for sure... I have close friends who used to smoke as teens, and it simply didn't work for them and in one case heavy use really pushed a friend into a serious mania, bordering on psychosis.

Blaming nicotine or cigarettes is jumping the gun IMO, not that I support smoking tobacco, but it's really a very complicated issue that as the article suggests needs further study.

My 2 cents,

Baron Greenback

The main way you can tell that it's prohibitionist propaganda (that weed causes schizophrenia) is by simply checking the massive increase in schizophrenia, checking in on your friends who smoke in institutional care....oh hang on - there is absolutely no increase in schizophrenia reflecting the widespread use of cannabis. Empirical data will tell you this, it's akin to the video nasty rubbish in the 80's- where's the generation of serial killers who watched them?
Who stands to gain financially from these lies?
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Golden Tree

Well-known member
Hello friends...I've been involved in health care....Mental health...for quite some time....I agree completely with the evidence based science...medical journals....and first hand experience...NO connection to Psychosis bouts in already ESTABLISHED...cases of ADULTS living with Schizophrenia...

However....cannabis use in young adults...12-18....whom already are predisposed to experience Schizophrenia...can potentially cause and bring forward Schizophrenia Psychosis at a much earlier age....

So instead of experiencing symptoms around 17-21...SOME will have symptoms earlier...13-17 when using cannabis....

But as most parents PROB agree...nothing is good for a still developing brain.....

Cheers friends...


Active member
it's likely the causes of progression into full blown schizophrenia are both numerous and complicated.

i wish someone would go to their lodges and arrest them all!

james tilly matthews.. trying to stop war between england and france.. oh he's fucking with our politics, we'd better stalk him, then invent an illness so that all people who challenge our influence in society can be stigmatised, marginalised and a third adjective because everybody likes adjectives in threes, but you'll have to figure one for yourself because third adjectives are getting kind of pricy nowadays ahemm.

yes, crazy people, they get all aggro or suspicious about crap that we know is all perfectly normal and safe, and start acting like that normal thing you are trying to do is somehow insanely dangerous or wrong.

here come the "qualified experts" to assure us that indeed mental brain disorders are real and normal and it is not your stupid evil society fucking up for shoving too many lies and bullshit up our asses :)

hey maybe we can expand this whole "mental illness brain disorder objective health criteria" and apply it to schoolchildren and fuck the lot of them up from the get go hey what a great idea. then they'll also believe it their whole life.


if it smells like fish
you aint crazy, people are out to get you...yeehaw...I had a diagnosis of this a few years back..their the delusional ones I know whats up..


Active member
Causation and correlation are entirely different things, yet often substituted for one another, even by "learned scientists". Or more accurately, usually by the interpretations of the results of the often biased studies of those "learned scientists".

Also given that there often is rampant copying of any successes, which often just means what is trending or popular now days, I have a hard time believing any of these second or third hand reports. Sensationalism sells. Often the real world differs greatly from these "studies".

Where are all these schizoid hippies lurking?


Hi Chimera

K++ on you my friend!

I think the prevailing attitudes in our community that cannabis is completely harmless and beneficial are wishful thinking at best, ignorant and delusional in many cases, and are the "snake oil" of the charlatan in the worst cases.

Considering the unparalleled bonanza of powerfully active compounds in cannabis, it is impossible for there not to be negative consequences in certain contexts. Mental/cns issues, cannabinoid hyperemesis, cardiac problems, detrimental immune modulation, the list of possible negative consequences is huge.

The more powerful a tool is, the more potential there is for problems. Context is everything. The dose of insulin that my Type I diabetic friend took this morning would kill me if I took it. The blood pressure medication my mom took yesterday would make me pass out.

Really, as time passes and the new regulatory atmosphere allows for real scientific research, there will be a backlash against us and our goals when the non-using public learn how badly they were misled by the pollyannas among us, allowing the prohibitionists to say "See! We told you!"

We will both be flamed pretty hard now, contradicting the prevailing tropes in a subculture like this always precipitates wailing and gnashing of teeth. Oh, well.

Anyway, it is good to see you active here again, and I always enjoy reading your posts.

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Active member
I think the prevailing attitudes in our cannabis that community is completely harmless and beneficial is wishful thinking at best, ignorant and delusional in many cases, and are the "snake oil" of the charlatan in the worst cases.

FTFY :tiphat:

truer words never spoken eh? eh?

geddit? true words, never spoken, snarf snarf aah bugger i'm dead

fuck i'm gonna make that my sig

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