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Its an honor to announce a fully legal project in South Africa for coffeshops/dispensarys


Well-known member
I'm so happy to announce a friend/business partner has a guy that has secured a legal licence to grow flower for shops and will run start legally planting end of the month many Connoisseur Genetics strains.

Expect yearly icmag.com smoke ups in South Africa as soon as first harvest are in.


Well-known member
Howzit, where in the country will you be based..? Wouldn't mind buying a pack or two of your Chem D wrecker... directly from you... I still hold a sssdh cutting from seeds released about 10years ago... very nice weed...


Stray Cat
Congratulations to the South African people.
Hope to post a message like that this year.

Bafana Bafana!


Well-known member

So actually this guy my mate knows I think is going to be legally importing to other countries his finished product unless/until they go full legalisation over in SA with coffeshops etc.
He has his operation up and running with another seed co seeds and has germinated my seeds for next round.

I hope to do some big things with this guy with my seeds and his experience/wisdom on legal operations


Well-known member
Howzit, TX for reply... jaaa listen what happens in this country is often mind boggling... and the monkeys in "charge" can't seem to get anything even remotely correct... I personally see the legal thing(which is still grey cause no one has signed off on it) that the laws will once again change to support their political agenda... FYI we have 75 murders a day here... not sure if you've been here yet, but there are loads of coffee shops and members clubs here, trying to get around the law... no one obeys the laws here, any laws...
everyone and their fucking dog grows weed here now....
I wish all the best with your company and seeds...