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Italy/portougal connection


Active member
Ola icmag's friends. I'm an italian grower that love all kind of hashish. I'll be in Lisbon from 1 to 9 september. I'll go in the capital for visit the monument and for appreciate the local food and beverage (yeah, i love also good food).
I wanted to know if someone is available to meet with me and my girlfriend for chat over a beer and why not for smoking a "charro" of good "bolotas". I love butt hash lol.


Pab :D
hi pab
i'm Portuguese, but not the lisbon, lisbon is the capital, i stay in the north, but in lisbon are many grower's
most of the hash that you will find here come from Morocco, and it is full of shit, because greed of dealers, can you find any grower who make your own hash
sorry for my bad inglish
best regards


Active member
No problem for your english, mine is bad ahaha. I know the situation about the dealers: most of them are scammers. Do you have some contact for good hash? Because i don't like give my money to a scammers. And, do someone know a craft brewery?
Obrigado ;)
There is some hash best, most often in the form of acorn
this photo is the most common way street hash, each bar cost 5 euros, each piece of 100 gr 130-150 euros, that in my city, in Lisbon not sure

in this image you can see a bar that is usually 5 euros, so that the hash is full of cut

this is the best you can find, so that an acorn costs dependend weight about 50 euros

the pictures are from google lol, I'm not really into the hash, from time to time do a piece to me of my own herb, but it is rare
I do not know any craft brewery because I live far from Lisbon, but in the meantime it may be that here comes a colleague of Lisbon and get you a contact
good stay for Portugal



Active member
Thank you med, very positive person. I like so much the last pic: bolotas feel me happy!!
Booom shankar

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