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Israel, considered a technological leader in medical cannabis?

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Israel receives billions of dollars in US 'AID' every year....I wonder if some of it trickles down to help set up their new cannabis industry?

'Israel may approve the export of medical cannabis. Already considered a world leader in cannabis and agricultural technology, Israeli companies had previously been banned from any kind of exportation, and had been forced to establish joint-ventures in foreign countries with local cannabis growers.

Israeli medical cannabis technology would only be exported responsibly to countries where the plant is approved for medicinal use, and which already have trade relations with Israel

Prior to the measure’s approval, many countries had already expressed strong interest in importing Israeli medical cannabis technology and had applied for permission to do so, including Australia, Germany, Denmark, the Czech Republic and Cyprus.'
Read more at https://www.liveleak.com/view?i=d68_1505345849#lshfOwo6luwRdhyv.99

mack 10

Well-known member
not sure why they need billions in aid??

hey Gypsy, hows's freedom treating ya?


Well-known member
most of their aid is in the form of military assistance, which we keep giving because they are the only reliable ally we have in the ME. you need a foothold in every corner of the globe in which you have interests in case the excrement hits the ventilation device. whether the US has interests vital enough to justify that aid is open to interpretation by the individual, but it has been ongoing for decades. not too damn likely to stop in the forseeable future either...


Active member
most of their aid is in the form of military assistance, which we keep giving because they are the only reliable ally we have in the you need a foothold in every corner of the globe in which you have interests in case the excrement hits the ventilation device. whether the US has interests vital enough to justify that aid is open to interpretation by the individual, but it has been ongoing for decades. not too damn likely to stop in the forseeable future either...

'Reliable Ally'...
Omfg stop
My sides!
*breathes deep*

USS Liberty...
Allies like that who needs enemies?
Funniest thing I've read all year. You won the Internet m8
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Active member
I am in contact with the chap who developed "Midnight"


Well I hope to get a centrifuge and send leaf DNA samples. They have genetic markers for Cannabinoids etc.

And Cannatech is an amazing CBD convention in Tel Aviv; I hope to attend next March.

So yes they are way way ahead medicinally. Recreationally not so much.

And ask any Israeli guy why the US backs them. Never can get a straight answer. Must be a taboo topic?


Active member
As I recall, Gypsy, the aid money is earmarked for military hardware. It was a major incentive that produced the Camp David peace deal between Israel and Egypt. Egypt, as far as I know, still gets an equal amount from Uncle Sam. While none probably goes directly to social or medical projects the military hardware certainly reduces their governments' need to spend it out of local taxes.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Ah, so this 'AID' is spent on weapons of mass destruction, within what could be considered a modern affluent society in Israel. It would be kinda cool if they did spend at least some of it on developing their cannabis industries.

The UK still sends massive amounts of 'AID' to places like India, China and Pakistan who both have active space and nuclear industries.....makes you wonder if these funds also end up being spent on rockets, bullets, missiles and bombs.


Well-known member
I don't think Israel was ever the US' only ally in the middle east. Propaganda. In the 60s and 70s we had the shah in Iran and Turkey. Plus a few members of the dictator of the month club.
Since the Gulf War Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Jordan, Egypt, Turkey, Pakistan are allies in the area. Receiving aid mostly in the form of military hardware. Using Saudi Arabia as a base for the US military was what got Bin Laden started. They've been our most reliable ally in the area. I don't think there's any US troops stationed in Israel or air bases used for bombing other countries.
Obama administration offered $115 billion in arms sales to Saudi Arabia. I'm sure they came with a discount. When Saudi Arabia blows hell out of other Arabs it doesn't cause nearly the ruckus it would if it was Israel. With our helpful hardware they've demolished Yemen.

mack 10

Well-known member
They need to shut down all this AId, shady business.

^^^didn't they (usa) charge them like 5x over the actualcost?
i remember the hoo har about that, think it was fighter jets, amongst other weapons , no doubt, was several years ago.
was a big number though.


Active member
I don't think Israel was ever the US' only ally in the middle east. Propaganda. In the 60s and 70s we had the shah in Iran and Turkey. Plus a few members of the dictator of the month club.
Since the Gulf War Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Jordan, Egypt, Turkey, Pakistan are allies in the area. Receiving aid mostly in the form of military hardware. Using Saudi Arabia as a base for the US military was what got Bin Laden started. They've been our most reliable ally in the area. I don't think there's any US troops stationed in Israel or air bases used for bombing other countries.
Obama administration offered $115 billion in arms sales to Saudi Arabia. I'm sure they came with a discount. When Saudi Arabia blows hell out of other Arabs it doesn't cause nearly the ruckus it would if it was Israel. With our helpful hardware they've demolished Yemen.

The ONLY ally the US has in Middle East is Jordan m8. Yet King Abdullah is the ONLY political leader that had to BEG the US for weapons during Obama administration. Literally the only stable country in the region.
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ICMag Donor
Boy oh boy I think I would be considered for instant Israeli citizenship but it just ain't the place for me........don't think so anyway but then again :tiphat:


ICMag Donor


Well-known member
The ONLY ally the US has in Middle East is Jordan m8. Yet King Abdullah is the ONLY political leader that had to BEG the US for weapons during Obama administration. Literally the only stable country in the region.
Good point. Considering they haven't sent their citizens on a suicide mission to attack New York like other 'allies' in the region.
Jordan is an interesting case. I know it's not as free as it could be, huge gap between rich and poor. They've done a lot of good stuff, given refuge to millions of refugees. Why aren't the rich oil kingdoms doing the same?
It's an example of what Saudi Arabia would be like if the British had allowed the Hashemites to rule. Instead of backing a pack of barbarian religious fanatics from the desert in their Machiavellian power games.


“Listen: this world is the lunatic's sphere,
Don't always agree it's real,

Even with my feet upon it
And the postman knowing my door

My address is somewhere else.”

― شمس الدین محمد حافظ /
Khwāja Šams ud-Dīn Muhammad Hāfez-


Active member
Good point. Considering they haven't sent their citizens on a suicide mission to attack New York like other 'allies' in the region.
Jordan is an interesting case. I know it's not as free as it could be, huge gap between rich and poor. They've done a lot of good stuff, given refuge to millions of refugees. Why aren't the rich oil kingdoms doing the same?
It's an example of what Saudi Arabia would be like if the British had allowed the Hashemites to rule. Instead of backing a pack of barbarian religious fanatics from the desert in their Machiavellian power games.

Majority of '9-11 attackers' were Saudi yet they get a free pass


Well-known member
The other day on NPR they were talking about the Israeli advertising campaign to convince Americans that they're the 'good guys' and Palestinians are the 'bad guys'. They hired the guy who made the old Miller Lite commercials (tastes great! Less Filling!) with sports stars drinking the beer. Because the public perception was that Lite beer was a girlie drink.
Which it is.
There was a documentary made about it, called 'The Occupation of the American Mind' narrated by Roger Waters. Not Miller Lite, the Israeli advertising campaign. They tried to get it shown in America, but no film festival would allow it to enter. So they weren't able to get any theaters to show it either. Because everyone's terrified of being labeled as anti semitic.


ICMag Donor
The other day on NPR they were talking about the Israeli advertising campaign to convince Americans that they're the 'good guys' and Palestinians are the 'bad guys'. They hired the guy who made the old Miller Lite commercials (tastes great! Less Filling!) with sports stars drinking the beer. Because the public perception was that Lite beer was a girlie drink.
Which it is.
There was a documentary made about it, called 'The Occupation of the American Mind' narrated by Roger Waters. Not Miller Lite, the Israeli advertising campaign. They tried to get it shown in America, but no film festival would allow it to enter. So they weren't able to get any theaters to show it either. Because everyone's terrified of being labeled as anti semitic.
