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Active member
Im sure this subject has been beaten to death on other boards, but they dont exist anymore so Im going to bring it up here. I know BHO is supposed to make a better product, but how much better is it, taste, high, ect.? Is it really worth going through the extra trouble and hazard to make BHO? Is it easier to make budder out of bho or iso? :lurk:


BHO is stronger, usually tastes better and keeps you high for longer, per se. It's not that much hassle or hazard to make BHO : just do it properly, read up, do it outside, pretty simple. You can budder up either, but the baron suggests using iso to final evap your product (regardless of whether you started with iso or butane, in which case you'd extract, re-dissolve in hot iso, re-evap) so there's for sure no petro-chemicals in there.

good luck<


Active member
Thanks for the response Baron. By hot ISO Im assuming you mean heated ISO? What is the purpose of that?


New member
barons a bit slow at times :nanana: :wave:

a chunk or plate of bho aint gonna disolve in room temp iso so u heat it up
use a bouble boiler system but turn the flame off when u pour the iso in
take plate off bring h2o back to boil turn flame off put plate back on keep doing this until the alchy is evaped

vector is probably the best u can get it here
thanks to eaglevision for that one wherever he is:(
king butane

hey tob not to :hijacked: sorry headees
this thread do u notice a difference between alky re-evaped bho and just superheated water wash as far as any taste?


Active member
Thanks Dr. Ken. Thats what I thought, but wasnt sure. Ive heard of the King brand you mentioned, but the other one is new to me.

No sweat on jackin my thread. I actually would like to know the answer to your question. So when your doing a superheated water wash do you extract the oil directly into the water? Does this not cause the water to explode? Does the oil float on the water? Sorry if these are stupid questions, this is all new to me.


thanks Dr. K :D

you can heat the iso in the Microwave, also, as long as you pay careful attention to it. That way, you don't risk any iso spilling under the double boiler and starting a major fire... Yes, just maybe, i know some1 who's seen that happen... not good...

when cold non-polar solvent hits the polar hot water,
as you stated,
the cold non-polar is forced to evaporate and the resin is left floating on the water.

if you don't blast (drip) your butane into the hot water
and instead do an extract first, then pour in the hot water,
the butane will force evaporate, which can bee "violent",
as in a loud popping noise, but usually not hazardous
(my buddy jimbo did it on G.O. first ... Ralfie's done it,
it's not as safe as heating the water first then blasting into it)

There's no stupid questions, we're all learning.

Quick Explanations on Non-Polar/Polar Relationship in Chemistry:

BTW, it should bee stated,
Ralfie is proudly the first to have done it with superheated water knowingly and to have iso dissolved then re-evaped and budder whipped it (bho resin), but genkisan was the first i saw doing the water evap, then ryoko, then dank hash master. homage and moose respect is given to all of them for progressing this field, for truly,

resin completely free of petro-chem's is so much better for you.

shabat shalom


oh - and Ralfie uses King butane. He thinks vektor is great, but too expensive, and sometimes smells of mercaptan's. King is totally reliable, has never had a "mercaptan'y" batch, and he's used so much of it there's at least one store that likely stays open simply due to his business.

Dr. K - usually, it's smoother to toke, not significantly so, but smoother. as long as you budder whip it (the super-heated water precipitated resin - bringing it to 95-105F and stirring at least 3 times) you've likely got all the petro-chem's out, but when you alky dissolve, re evap and do the same, you're for sure petro free and it's smooth as silk and strong as a freight train.

eagle is doing okay, he's just enjoying everything from afar, you can PM him though :D

oh, and headees, as Dr. K indicated, you heat the iso so the resin will dissolve more quickly. if you don't want to heat it, that's fine, it'll just take a while longer.

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