I searched the plants pretty thoroughly and didn't spot any, but can't really think of what else it could be, except maybe leaf hoppers. i'll pick up some spinosad tomorrow.
Caterpillars leave a trail of poop that starts out green and then turns black.
Japanese beetle maybe
Looks like cucumber beatle
Beetle damage, and not Octopus' Garden. Get some Bacillus var. Kurstaki
Caterpillar damage shows as bites out of leaves, or Whole leaves missing. They feed at night so you don't usually see them, but the droppings are a dead giveaway.
The bugs are really bad this year, went to pick up some spinosad at Home Depot was totally out of everything spinosad. Going to the local grow shop tomorrow.
completely defoliating whole trees in the northeast!
Just mix a little cold pressed neem oil, and spray the leaves on top and bottom well. Its not grasshoppers because grasshoppers mostly chew on the stems, when they do damage.
Search no further - that's grasshopper damage.I searched the plants pretty thoroughly and didn't spot any, but can't really think of what else it could be, except maybe leaf hoppers. i'll pick up some spinosad tomorrow.
Search no further - that's grasshopper damage.
I almost thought leafhoppers, however they do less damage because they're smaller insects. The bigger the holes, the bigger the insect that created the damage.
Leafhoppers hop on top of leaves and start eating. They have a delta-like shape with a wide head. The damage they do is scratchier and usually not all the way through the leaf.
Search no further - that's grasshopper damage.
I almost thought leafhoppers, however they do less damage because they're smaller insects. The bigger the holes, the bigger the insect that created the damage.
Leafhoppers hop on top of leaves and start eating. They have a delta-like shape with a wide head. The damage they do is scratchier and usually not all the way through the leaf.