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Is this a good outdoor soil mix?

Closet Funk

CeRtIfIeD OrGaNiC!
I was sitting down and typing up a outdoor grow plan. I made up two different soil recipes. One if for early summer planting and the other is for late summer planting.

Early Summer:

Plant-Tone (5-3-3)
Bone Meal (6-12-0)
Worm Castings (1-0-0)
Epsom Plus (0-0-22) *contains Mg and Calcium
Green Sand (0-0-1)
Polymer Water Crystals

*come flower sprinkle bone meal and bat guano on top soil
*mixed in with native soil

Late Summer:

Bone Meal (6-12-0)
Worm Castings (1-0-0)
Bat Guano (0.5-12-1)
Epsom Plus (0-0-22)
Green Sand (0-0-1)
Polymer Water Crystals

The early summer mix focuses on main growth while the late summer mix focuses on flowering.


ICMag Donor
For one thing, DO NOT use bone meal as a top dressing outdoors. Your plants will for sure get dug up by something. Plant tone, dolomitic lime, water crystals, and maybe worm castings is all you need for veg. No real need for other organics to be added if you use the plant tone right. I use a cup of plant tone in the bottom of the hole, then mix that in, and then a cup with the rest of the fill dirt. If you use dolomite lime, it will help suppliment Mg and Ca. Plant tone contains all the essential nutrients, but it is still a good idea to make sure there is enough Mg.

Water crystals need to be mixed evenly w/ the soil. Don't put a bunch just in the bottom of the hole, or it can push up the soil when they get wet.

I'd say do all your planting early summer, and let them grow up big and strong. If you top dress with plant tone after each month, you shouldn't have any deficiencies. During flowering, switch to garden tone or high Phosphorous guano top dressing.

Not at all saying your mix won't work, but a lot of it isn't necessary if you're wanting to use plant tone.
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Closet Funk

CeRtIfIeD OrGaNiC!
So top dressing with Bone Meal is a bad idea? alright, I wanted some info from an experienced outdoor grower. So I see you use the Plant-Tone too, it's some good shit IMO. Thanks for the info.


Active member
just remember k.i.s.s keep it simple stupid. making a soil mix is just mixing a bunch of differeing thing's into cheap dirt. i wouldnt go through the trouble of making one for each season. good luck man

Closet Funk

CeRtIfIeD OrGaNiC!
sm0kateer4204 said:
just remember k.i.s.s keep it simple stupid. making a soil mix is just mixing a bunch of differeing thing's into cheap dirt. i wouldnt go through the trouble of making one for each season. good luck man

For your info the two seperate soils mixes depends on what time of year I plant. If I plant early in the summer then I'll use the more nitrogen based for a strong all around soil for vegging. The later season mix is if I planted say in late July when plants start flowering. What's the point of mixing in a bunch of N when the plants don't need it. It's not that I would up two different soils for the same crop. Pretty simple really, plant in June then I use the first mix, plant in late July use the second mix.
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Active member
but why plant at two different time's? if you planted late in july you wouldnt veg more then a month and they would finish later because they wouldnt be old enough to flower when most plant's start flowering in late july. im trying to help you out, but it seems like your taking the long way to the convienent store. good luck on your season.

Closet Funk

CeRtIfIeD OrGaNiC!
I plan on using clones. Now from seed then it's a different story. With clones they are already old enough to start flowering right away in the late season.


"It's just a flesh wound"

I use the "Sunland" super potting soil. It includes most or all of the stuff you're using plus some lava rock and other goodies! :yoinks: