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is advanced nutes grow micro bloom ok to use in coco


New member
hello everyone. new to coc growing here and was told that those 3 base nutes are suitable for coco, which in the veg stage they certainly seemed to be. fast growing healthy praying plants. my problems start once i switch to flowering. im adding big bud whuch is the coco version and . the tops of my plants have all started to curl down and turn pale between the veins and are starting to die off. only the tops though. from what i can see it looks possibly like pottasium toxicity and upon looking on advance nute websites they also state that using non specific coco nutes can cause this. im now thinking i shouldnt be using grow micro and bloom as ive been told and should switch to there coco specific line sensi a and b. the plants are just over 4 weeks in. can anyone help me out as to a solution to get them back to health or are they too far in now . any help much apreciated thank


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I don't know that much about nutes but I did use 2 year old leftover AN Micro/Grow/Bloom pH Perfect for my last grow along with Remo PK nutes. I had a great grow with a personal record for yield.

I am going to use them again for the sativa grow I just started this week.


New member
ive used them in soil with no problems atall. even in coco throughout veg they thrive it always seems to be when i flip to flower they go downhill. as above from what i gather from advanced site is using non specific coco nute can cause potasium toxicity which to my non expert and very beginner eye looks to be the problem. my p.hs are always in range i even re calibrated the metre twice to be on the safe side all to no avail. the site doesnt specify if they are coco specific but they do have sensi A and B which it says is coc specific. wondering if its worth changing over to those at just o er 4 weeks flower to see if it makes a difference. kinda wishing id stuck to soil now. hopefully someone else can chime in and help me out


Well-known member
If you think you are getting too much potasium.. Why don't you try increasing calcium.
I would think that a coco specific line would just have more calcium. Maybe also try skipping the big bud. I BELIEVE it's really just watered down potassium supplement and snake oil. I'm not sure. Want to say it's 0-1-3.
You are really only going to have too much potassium if you don't have the calcium to support it.
I don't know much about advanced products. I always thought it was a rip off. I'm not sure what kind of CA and mag you are getting from this cocktail. Try adding some calcium nitrate or calmag.


New member
hi crushnyuba, i have already been adding cal mag as i know cal mag deficiency can be a problem in coco so i dont believe that to be the problem. ive been adding it at the highest dose on the bottle instructions which is 1ml per litre. p.h has been around 5.8 to 5.9, do think raising it to maybe 6.5 would benefit the uptake of cal mag if that is actualy the problem. im quite the novice so i only have very basic knowledge at this point. thanks for the input


Well-known member
I think you should share some pictures and how much you give of what and the analysis of those products. No one can even guess.

If it is a potassium overload, more calcium and less potasium. That big bud is all potassium. You can run crazy high potassium levels if u got enough Calcium to support it. I see Allot of guys running 50% of their k in CA. Their only source of N is from calcium nitrate. All a coco specific nute is, is higher Calcium and lower k.
Who knows if your issue is k related.


New member
il try upload some pics tomorrow as im not on site till then. in the meantime thanks for helping me out


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Well without pictures, the first thing you need to do is cut whatever the bottles recommend to use in half. 4ml/l is high. i bet your EC is through the roof.


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Well without pictures, the first thing you need to do is cut whatever the bottles recommend to use in half. 4ml/l is high. i bet your EC is through the roof.

Agreed. For my last grow (autoflowers) I topped out at 1 ml/l of each which gave me an ec of 0.7 or so in veg & 1.1-1.2 in flower (with the other additives for calmag, roots & PK).


Active member
Are you using Big Bud or Big Bud Coco? The difference is - Big Bud Coco includes extra calcium. If you are using the regular Big Bud, add .5mL/L of Cal-Mag when you use it to basically turn it into Big Bud Coco.
Also, your Big Bud Coco amounts should be 2mL/L and just in weeks 2, 3 and 4.


New member
yeah im using big bud coco at 2ml per litre however the last watering i halved everything as mentioned in previous coments. il be having a look tonight so hopefully get some pics up. ive also went and bought advanced nutrients sensi A and B coco to replace the G.M.B see if that makes a difference . thanks for all the help guys its much apreciated


Active member
The Sensi products are great.
By the way, if you find you need to supplement with Cal-Mag (which you shouldn't need after week 2 of flowering) I recommend using General Hydroponics Cal-Magic, as it has the least amount of nitrogen in it compared to all the ones I've looked at.


Been having a great run so far( F23) with coco sensi grow and bloom, haven't checked my pH at all and plants are healthy and green. Can't speak on quality yet but this has been one of my easiest runs so far. Do you know the ppm of your water before you add anything? I have soft water so I add enough calmag to get my water up to like 170ppms then I add nutes. Always go light, I've never used manufacturer recommended amount and not ended up with nute burn. Always start at a quarter and work your way up


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I use reverse osmosis water for my coco grows, so my PPM is usually around 4. The Sensi products already contain calcium and magnesium, but since I am using reverse osmosis water, I still add 4mL/gallon of cal-mag to my nutrient solution. Tap water usually already has calcium in it, but as long as your plants look good - keep doing what you're doing.