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:::::::Infowars Truth or Fiction--Friendly Debate Thread:::::::


ICMag Donor
What do you think about the journalists at Infowars? Are the current events news stories truth or fiction?

Thread is open for discussion of current events and Infowars past coverage of news.

Why have they been censored and demonized on so many platforms?


Alex Jones to Make National Press Club Speech Addressing Lawsuits Against Infowars

First Amendment rights under attack

Paul Joseph Watson | Infowars.com - April 9, 2018

Alex Jones is set to give a speech at the National Press Club in Washington DC on April 10 during which he will make a statement on the raft of anti-free speech lawsuits targeting his First Amendment rights.
Numerous lawsuits have been launched on the premise of attracting media attention and defaming Alex Jones and Infowars’ reputation. While many on the left routinely celebrate the lawsuits when they are filed, those same people have been noticeably less vocal when the lawsuits collapse.
Last month, Pepe the Frog cartoon creator Matt Furie sued Infowars for copyright violation despite openly encouraging people in a 2015 interview “profit off of” his creation.
Even the left-wing Daily Beast admitted that the latest lawsuit against Infowars, brought by an individual falsely named as the Parkland shooter, is “a general attack on InfoWars and Alex Jones and their fans” and does not rest on any sound legal basis.
Ken White, a First Amendment litigator at Brown White & Osborn, said the suit was more of a PR stunt and could run afoul of Texas law.
“Texas has a very strong anti-SLAPP law. If InfoWars can frame the lawsuit as being more broadly about the content of its speech in general (or about the speech of third-party commenters, for whom InfoWars is not responsible under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act), the plaintiff faces a real risk of an anti-SLAPP ruling,” said White.
Jones will address the left’s new tactic of trying to bury Infowars under a deluge of lawsuits, which is yet another attempt to shut down free speech and is doomed to fail.
Location and Time:
The National Press Club in Washington, DC
Zenger Room
9:00AM EST / 8:00AM CST
529 14th St. NW, 13th Floor
Washington, DC 20045
Live streams of the press conference will be available at Infowars.com
To attend the press conference:
Press must RSVP via email to [email protected]
Put Alex Jones Nat. Press Club Speech in the email subject line.
Or, alternatively, text 512-954-5225
You will be sent a QR code that will allow you to enter the National Press Club facility.​
Access to this event is limited.


Well-known member


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Just this guy, ya know?
Take advantage of ignorant people is one of the solidest business plans in existence. We've been using it ever since we created religion to profit off the ignorant and weak minded. So thank you for believing in things that are actually retarded, and making us richer in doing so. You really are the perfect shaved ape pipeline.


Active member
You call it censored and demonized.

Others call it a steady flow of hyper bullshit.

Sandy Hook psychosis and pizzagate gunman as a refresher since you forget those classics from one day to the next.

White Beard

Active member
What is your basis for that statement?

Take his original big hit, for example: the FEMA concentration camp “scandal”. I’m sure you remember it. It’s the first thing of his I dug into.

To make sure everyone’s on that page, Jones made up a story back when PrisonPlanet was his venue, built around a report from a traveler who had seen large numbers of mobile homes in fenced-in areas out in the middle of nowhere. You know, the units FEMA uses when peoples home are flooded or destroyed, like in NOLA? This traveler “found” where they were being kept in reserve, pending the next disaster. Why were they out in the middle of nowhere? It was considered cheap, annual rainfall was minimal, danger from fire or tornado or flood or earthquake was minimal. Makes sense - smart job, FEMA.

But the *story* at least initially was that these were where the government planned to incarcerate gun-owners who objected when Clinton’s UN storm troopers went door to door to grab all the guns....

The story was bullshit. Such bullshit in fact that the ‘truth’ of the trailers didn’t matter at all. As I said before, this is what he does: take a meaningless factoid and builds alarming bullshit ‘out’ of it. As said, I’ve been looking for the beef, so to speak, in his “body of work” for a long time, and the products always turns out the same. The same goes for any bylines on the articles: they all conform to the same standard of bullshit, based on my own investigations. I could conceivably have missed a sound article, but I consider the chances of that to be extremely low.

IMO Alex Jones is not a journalist by any definition: he is a salesman of fear, distrust, and panic; his “articles” and especially his on-screen apoplexy are his sales techniques. From what I hear, business has been good to him: screaming “fire!” in crowded theaters apparently makes it easier to pick pockets during the stampede


Alex Jones keeps repeating the same old BS... year after year, wash rinse repeat, “FEMA is coming, taking guns, restricting travel, controlled by the 1% secret society”. He rides the breeze from popular news stories and national crisis's. Same song and dance over and over. A few I have heard over the years.

1995 Oklahoma city bombing “False Flag” “Staged Plan” “FEMA is coming controlled by the 1% secret society”

2000 “Y2K”- “Staged Plan” “FEMA is coming camps being set up, controlled by the 1% secret society

2008 Financial crisis- “Staged Plan” “FEMA is coming, camps being set up, controlled by the 1% secret society”

I do think Alex Jones could be a Disinformation Agent, state information agencies have control over a good amount of the “alternative information”. For those who want to wander away from state controlled media(CBS, ABC, CNN, FOX). Make it just believable enough to collect minds looking for alternative news but just wacky enough to discredit believers.


Well-known member
calling his horseshit "fiction" does a disservice to fiction. i call it baldfaced fucking lies myself...:moon:


I think pushing the sandy hook narrative that it was all some false flag attempt, to the point that crazies were contacting parents to tell them they didnt have kids/were making it up/etc. was enough to discredit any future "reporting" that dude does. He burned a lot of bridges with that, not willing to listen to anything further that garbage human has to say. That was a real despicable display of behavior. I stick james o keefe in that same category.


ICMag Donor
Infowars is wants to help restore the constitutional republic the Unites States was founded on. They do cover real news. I will work on breaking through the lies and deception later.

Read the constitution, watch the 12 hour broadcast monday-friday and 2 hours sunday afternoons on https://www.infowars.com/watch-alex-jones-show/, and do your own research on what is being talked about. There is only 1 truth guys! Sandy hook, see my previous post with the statements by Alex Jones and his lawyer. There are the hard facts.


Article [IX] (Amendment 9 - Unenumerated Rights)

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
Article [X] (Amendment 10 - Reserved Powers)

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.


Chemon 91
Does anybody not know Alex Jones is full of shit?

Alex Jones blames “psychosis” for his Sandy Hook conspiracies



i didnt vote for trump.

how much anyones price to sell out? divorce child support greed power prestige life etc..etc...

Luke 22:54-62 King James Version (KJV)
54 Then took they him, and led him, and brought him into the high priest's house. And Peter followed afar off.

55 And when they had kindled a fire in the midst of the hall, and were set down together, Peter sat down among them.

56 But a certain maid beheld him as he sat by the fire, and earnestly looked upon him, and said, This man was also with him.

57 And he denied him, saying, Woman, I know him not.

58 And after a little while another saw him, and said, Thou art also of them. And Peter said, Man, I am not.

59 And about the space of one hour after another confidently affirmed, saying, Of a truth this fellow also was with him: for he is a Galilaean.

60 And Peter said, Man, I know not what thou sayest. And immediately, while he yet spake, the cock crew.

61 And the Lord turned, and looked upon Peter. And Peter remembered the word of the Lord, how he had said unto him, Before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice.

62 And Peter went out, and wept bitterly.

all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
What do you think about the journalists at Infowars? Are the current events news stories truth or fiction?

Thread is open for discussion of current events and Infowars past coverage of news.

Why have they been censored and demonized on so many platforms?


Alex Jones to Make National Press Club Speech Addressing Lawsuits Against Infowars

First Amendment rights under attack

Paul Joseph Watson | Infowars.com - April 9, 2018
[URL=https://assets.infowars.com/2016/09/AlexJones_studio.jpg]View Image[/URL]

Alex Jones is set to give a speech at the National Press Club in Washington DC on April 10 during which he will make a statement on the raft of anti-free speech lawsuits targeting his First Amendment rights.
Numerous lawsuits have been launched on the premise of attracting media attention and defaming Alex Jones and Infowars’ reputation. While many on the left routinely celebrate the lawsuits when they are filed, those same people have been noticeably less vocal when the lawsuits collapse.
Last month, Pepe the Frog cartoon creator Matt Furie sued Infowars for copyright violation despite openly encouraging people in a 2015 interview “profit off of” his creation.
Even the left-wing Daily Beast admitted that the latest lawsuit against Infowars, brought by an individual falsely named as the Parkland shooter, is “a general attack on InfoWars and Alex Jones and their fans” and does not rest on any sound legal basis.
Ken White, a First Amendment litigator at Brown White & Osborn, said the suit was more of a PR stunt and could run afoul of Texas law.
“Texas has a very strong anti-SLAPP law. If InfoWars can frame the lawsuit as being more broadly about the content of its speech in general (or about the speech of third-party commenters, for whom InfoWars is not responsible under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act), the plaintiff faces a real risk of an anti-SLAPP ruling,” said White.
Jones will address the left’s new tactic of trying to bury Infowars under a deluge of lawsuits, which is yet another attempt to shut down free speech and is doomed to fail.
Location and Time:
The National Press Club in Washington, DC
Zenger Room
9:00AM EST / 8:00AM CST
529 14th St. NW, 13th Floor
Washington, DC 20045
Live streams of the press conference will be available at Infowars.com
To attend the press conference:
Press must RSVP via email to [email protected]
Put Alex Jones Nat. Press Club Speech in the email subject line.
Or, alternatively, text 512-954-5225
You will be sent a QR code that will allow you to enter the National Press Club facility.​
Access to this event is limited.

Their style of journalism is 'Throw enough SHIT @ the Walls to see what (if rarely ANYTHING) Sticks'

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
I guess it really depends on your POV. I'm a musician so his poorly modulated voice is annoying. Also, I'm an ex NYC bouncer and security guard, so Alex just reminds me of all of the pussies I dealt with in the 70's and 80's.


That bit about left wing news site the daily beast is a bit misleading, kind of invalidates the rest of what they say. They were quoting an attorney that is a long time friend/associate of alex jones' attorney, that isnt the same as "admitting" something and it is dishonest to present it as such.

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