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Info : numero de plantas tenerife


Active member
hola a todos,

me mudé a tenerife durante 8 meses y es hora de plantar mis hermosas plantas :)

Estudié un poco las leyes locales sobre cultivo, que, como en España, está despenalizado.

pero no puedo calcular aquí en tenerife cuántas plantas máximas puedo cultivar por persona en grow.

¿Alguien puede ayudarme? yo vivo en el sur



Well-known member
hola a todos,

me mudé a tenerife durante 8 meses y es hora de plantar mis hermosas plantas :)

Estudié un poco las leyes locales sobre cultivo, que, como en España, está despenalizado.

pero no puedo calcular aquí en tenerife cuántas plantas máximas puedo cultivar por persona en grow.

¿Alguien puede ayudarme? yo vivo en el sur

For my understanding ( correct me if i'm wrong ) , there not really " number " of plants in spain , personnal grow is authorized , quantity is all about " tolerance " ,
i thought in Tenerife area , you can do almost what you want if it' s not at commercial scale ...

Cheers .



Active member
For my understanding ( correct me if i'm wrong ) , there not really " number " of plants in spain , personnal grow is authorized , quantity is all about " tolerance " ,
i thought in Tenerife area , you can do almost what you want if it' s not at commercial scale ...

Cheers .

Okok because if I understand well in some regions of Spain there is a limit to 2/3 plants. Thanks for the reply


Well-known member
Okok because if I understand well in some regions of Spain there is a limit to 2/3 plants. Thanks for the reply
i don't think so , the law is the same for all spain i thought ,
like i said all is about an interpretation thing ,
a grey area ( which could be good for us , users )
i hope some spanish brothers will come and clarify that ...


Active member
i don't think so , the law is the same for all spain i thought ,
like i said all is about an interpretation thing ,
a grey area ( which could be good for us , users )
i hope some spanish brothers will come and clarify that ...
thank you bro


Not ICMag Donor
Despenalizado? 🤣🤣🤣
Es ilegal cultivar en España, aunque sea una sola planta. En la península, Ceuta, Melilla, en las islas baleares y en Canarias. Las leyes antidroga se aplican a nivel nacional lo cual incluye las islas Canarias. Cuidado con divulgar estupideces en internet, que luego hay gente que se lo cree y se mete en problemas por ello. Ni cultivo personal autorizado, ni sujeto a interpretación, ni según regiones, ni "tolerancia", ni 2/3 plantas, ni despenalizado, ni grey area, ni nada de nada. Cultivar marihuana en España es 100% ilegal. Sea un campo de 100 plantas de 3 metros, o una triste automática de 1 cm en el balcón. Incluso cultivar cáñamo industrial sin THC es ilegal a menos que tengas una licencia del ministerio de agricultura.

Si cultivas es bajo tu propia cuenta y riesgo, y te sugiero que tomes medidas para no llamar la atención.
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Well-known member
Despenalizado? 🤣🤣🤣
Es ilegal cultivar en España, aunque sea una sola planta. En la península, Ceuta, Melilla, en las islas baleares y en Canarias. Las leyes antidroga se aplican a nivel nacional lo cual incluye las islas Canarias. Cuidado con divulgar estupideces en internet, que luego hay gente que se lo cree y se mete en problemas por ello. Ni cultivo personal autorizado, ni sujeto a interpretación, ni según regiones, ni "tolerancia", ni 2/3 plantas, ni despenalizado, ni grey area, ni nada de nada. Cultivar marihuana en España es 100% ilegal. Sea un campo de 100 plantas de 3 metros, o una triste automática de 1 cm en el balcón. Incluso cultivar cáñamo industrial sin THC es ilegal a menos que tengas una licencia del ministerio de agricultura.

Si cultivas es bajo tu propia cuenta y riesgo, y te sugiero que tomes medidas para no llamar la atención.
Thanks for you answer ,
so what about that ( source forum RQS ) :

The marketing of cannabis in Spain remains illegal. However, adults can legally consume and grow cannabis in the private space as long as they do so for their personal use and their plants remain out of public view. Consuming, buying or possessing cannabis in public is not a serious offence, rather a misdemeanor punishable by a fine.

In Spain, the Autonomous Communities have limited control over their local laws. In 2017, Catalonia legalized the cultivation, consumption and distribution of cannabis via registered cannabis clubs. These clubs must be self-sustaining non-profit organizations, can only produce 150 kg of dry grass per year and must follow certain regulations in order to comply with local laws.

or that ( source growbarato ) :

Does the legalization of cannabis in Spain make it possible to grow it?
In the Spanish regulations it can be interpreted that the cultivation of marijuana is considered as a crime only if it is intended for trafficking. In addition, point 18 of Article 36 of the SCPA states that planting and growing different types of drugs, psychotropic substances or narcotics in places visible to the public is a very serious offence. Similarly, the following paragraph describes as a very serious offence the tolerance of owners, administrators or managers of public establishments for the use or illicit trafficking of drugs.

That is why growing marijuana cannot be considered illegal, as long as the plants are not visible from the street and are intended for consumption. Indeed, if there are signs of lucrativeness, the State’s security forces and bodies have the power to search private homes and establishments, always on the basis of the corresponding judicial order. The legal basis for supporting culture in private places is found in Articles 18 and 22 of the Spanish Constitution. It guarantees the rights to privacy and association. The Carta Magna (General Charter) allows Spaniards to freely carry out the activity they consider to be their home without interference from the authorities, as well as the right to join any non-profit association.

On the other hand, there is a legal vacuum regarding the quantity that defines self-consumption. There is no precise number to calculate the dose that each can ingest and grow. In this sense, the Federation of Cannabis Associations recommends a monthly consumption of 60 grams per member, although it does not appear in any Spanish law.

Thanks for explain mate ...


Not ICMag Donor
@bibi40 Sorry but I wrote so much that I highlited the parts I considered most important. If you are actually interested in learning about the spanish law, I trust you will appreciate the effort.

In your post you quoted 1 blog from a seed company, the other one from a grow shop. That is not serious information lol. These businesses move billions of euros a year and are very interested in selling as many seeds as possible. Why would they care to quote the law as it is written, when they can easily propagate the myths that go around on cannabis forums? Do you think they care about people's safety? Or do they care about selling seeds? The answer is pretty obvious. Going to a grow shop or seed seller's website hoping to learn if growing cannabis is legal, is like going to MacDonald's and asking them if their beef is good quality. They will say yes. They are protecting their business, not your rights.

By the way, have you ever gone to a grow shop? Most of the people who work there are barely able to read and write, or tie their shoes, much less qualified to give legal advice on anything.


Cannabis clubs are illegal, and lots of them are closed and others open every day. People who own these businesses spend more time on the phone with their lawyers than their girlfriends.

Talking about lawyers. If I had any doubts about a legal matter, I would definitely not go ask for advice, to a business that makes millions selling seeds. I would instead go ask a lawyer. Does this sound fair? Let's see what a real lawyer would say (first result in google):

From this article:

Real Lawyer said:
No existe ninguna disposición legal que autorice el cultivo de marihuana, y según la legislación vigente, no existe ningún límite mínimo ni máximo para la tenencia y/o autocultivo de cannabis en una determinada morada o domicilio particular. Por el contrario si existen normas que prohíben el cultivo de "maría".
Y ello, por que está ampliamente difundida la creencia en el sentido que existe un límite legal de tres plantas. Sin embargo, dicha creencia la podemos calificar como de leyenda urbana.
Así, el artículo 36.18 de la Ley de Protección ciudadana castiga expresamente la ejecución de actos de plantación y cultivo ilícitos en lugares visibles al público. Por su parte, el artículo 368 del Código Penal castiga con penas de prisión de uno a tres años y multa del tanto al duplo (en el caso de sustancias que no causen grave daño a la salud, como es el caso de la maría), a los que ejecuten actos de cultivo, elaboración o tráfico, o de otro modo promuevan, favorezcan o faciliten el consumo ilegal de drogas tóxicas, estupefacientes o sustancias psicotrópicas, o las posean con aquellos fines.
Y las consecuencias de ello son muy importantes, pues la sanción administrativa se saldará con una mera multa económica, y sin embargo el delito penal contra la salud pública será sancionado, además, con una pena privativa de libertad.

Previous quote, translated by google:

Real Lawyer said:
There is no legal provision that authorizes the cultivation of marijuana, and according to current legislation, there is no minimum or maximum limit for the possession and/or self-cultivation of cannabis in a specific dwelling or private address. On the contrary, there are regulations that prohibit the cultivation of "maria".
And this, because the belief is widely spread in the sense that there is a legal limit of three plants. However, we can qualify this belief as an urban legend.
Thus, article 36.18 of the Citizen Protection Law expressly punishes the execution of illicit planting and cultivation acts in places visible to the public. For its part, article 368 of the Penal Code punishes with prison sentences of one to three years and a fine of two to two (in the case of substances that do not cause serious damage to health, as is the case of marijuana), to those who carry out acts of cultivation, processing or trafficking, or otherwise promote, favor or facilitate the illegal consumption of toxic drugs, narcotics or psychotropic substances, or possess them for those purposes.
And the consequences of this are very important, since the administrative sanction will be settled with a mere financial fine, and yet the criminal offense against public health will also be sanctioned with a custodial sentence.

I could go much deeper and quote other articles written by actual lawyers, or go into spanish forums to look for quotes of people who were fucked over by the authorities, but you can do it yourself if you are interested. Again I would advise against trusting grow shops / seed repackaging companies. One thing is going to read a growshop blog to get some advice on how to use nutrients, but trusting them with your legal security would be a poor idea to say the least. Don't trust grow shops, and don't trust seed sellers. They have huge economic interests at stake and don't care about what happens to you. Their employees are not qualified in any way, much less in legal matters.

THe fact that many people grow doesn't mean it's legal. The only thing the authorities need to intervine your cannabis grow, is proof that they are visible from the street/public view. Go on a spanish forum, and ask how many people were busted because a picture taken from the Guardia Civil helicopter, that was considered as proof of the grow being "visible publicly", even if they weren't visible from the street. If they want to fuck you over, they absolutely will. They do this all the time. Growing cannabis in Spain is illegal.

THIS IS IMPORTANT - The main aspect of the law that is subject to interpretation, is: Is there sufficient cannabis being produced to be considered that it is grown for traffic purposes? The difference between the illegality of growing for yourself, and that of selling to others, is the penalty. Administrative sanction of 600 euro for personal growing, prison if they decide you were growing to sell.

ACTUAL GOOD ADVICE, ALSO IMPORTANT : Authorities can send you a fine (administrative sanction) by mail, or try to ask you to open the door for them to see the plants. If they ring the doorbell and tell you they have seen your plants and need to come in to take them, IT IS YOUR RIGHT to NOT LET THEM ENTER. They will then try to trick you and blackmail you, and tell you it will be much worse for you if you don't let them come in, they do this to scare people. If they are allowed to get inside your house, you will 100% get a sanction or go to jail if there is enough evidence of trafficking. IMPORTANT : "evidence" of trafficking can be as stupid as a kitchen digital scale, or ziplocks bags that are used in the kitchen. Or whatever they can think of at the moment. They will also check how many people come to your house daily, if there are enough cars coming and going, this is proof of trafficking, which they will then take to a judge. If the judge considers there is indeed proof of trafficking, he will then issue an order with which the agents can get inside your house without your permission (this is called colloquially "patada en la puerta" = kicking the door down). If they take away your cannabis plants, chances are they will weigh them WITH THE POT AND SOIL, AND BUST YOU FOR KILOS EVEN IF YOUR PLANTS ARE STILL VEGGING (this is absolutely real).

But the question of the OP was mostly:
- Can you have 3-4 cannabis plants in the balcony and have no legal issues? Very probably.
- Is Cannabis growing illegal in Spain? Absolutely, 100% illegal.

-----------This post was heavily edited to delete the juicy parts sorry----------
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Well-known member
@bibi40 Sorry but I wrote so much that I highlited the parts I considered most important. If you are actually interested in learning about the spanish law, I trust you will appreciate the effort.

In your post you quoted 1 blog from a seed company, the other one from a grow shop. That is not serious information lol. These businesses move billions of euros a year and are very interested in selling as many seeds as possible. Why would they care to quote the law as it is written, when they can easily propagate the myths that go around on cannabis forums? Do you think they care about people's safety? Or do they care about selling seeds? The answer is pretty obvious. Going to a grow shop or seed seller's website hoping to learn if growing cannabis is legal, is like going to MacDonald's and asking them if their beef is good quality. They will say yes. They are protecting their business, not your rights.

By the way, have you ever gone to a grow shop? Most of the people who work there are barely able to read and write, or tie their shoes, much less qualified to give legal advice on anything.

Do you know the kind of people who work in "seedbanks" in Spain? Shitty Auto/Fem "banks" like Sweet Seeds, Anesia or whatever, don't produce their seeds, they are just REPACKAGING businesses. They sell the same bulk seeds that are sold for 1 euro in grow shops, but they change the seed names, give them a nicer package and sell them for 3-4-10-15 euro to european growers. These same bulk seeds are sent throughout Europe and repackaged and sold for crazy prices by many of the big players in the industry. Spanish growers who put their lives in danger to make seeds for these companies, get paid between 10/20 CENTS OF A EURO PER SEED. Most people who work in spanish auto/fem "banks" have never seen a cannabis plant in person in their lives, and are neither qualified to give legal adive. They recieve seeds in bulk, store them, package them and send them. That's the extent of the contact they have with cannabis.

Cannabis clubs are illegal, and lots of them are closed and others open every day. People who own these businesses spend more time on the phone with their lawyers than their girlfriends.

Talking about lawyers. If I had any doubts about a legal matter, I would definitely not go ask for advice, to a business that makes millions selling seeds and that is controlled by the mafia. Did you see what happened to Dinafem? Would you trust your legal safety to people like these who have zero respect for the law or for the people with whom they make business with? I would instead go ask a lawyer. Does this sound fair? Let's see what a real lawyer would say (first result in google):

From this article:

Previous quote, translated by google:

I could go much deeper and quote other articles written by actual lawyers, or go into spanish forums to look for quotes of people who were fucked over by the authorities, but you can do it yourself if you are interested. Again I would advise against trusting grow shops / seed repackaging companies. One thing is going to read a growshop blog to get some advice on how to use nutrients, but trusting them with your legal security would be a poor idea to say the least. Don't trust grow shops, and don't trust seed sellers. They have huge economic interests at stake and don't care about what happens to you. Their employees are not qualified in any way, much less in legal matters. THEY ARE JUST MARKETING COMPANIES.

THe fact that many people grow doesn't mean it's legal. The only thing the authorities need to intervine your cannabis grow, is proof that they are visible from the street/public view. Go on a spanish forum, and ask how many people were busted because a picture taken from the Guardia Civil helicopter, that was considered as proof of the grow being "visible publicly", even if they weren't visible from the street. If they want to fuck you over, they absolutely will. They do this all the time. Growing cannabis in Spain is illegal.

THIS IS IMPORTANT - The main aspect of the law that is subject to interpretation, is: Is there sufficient cannabis being produced to be considered that it is grown for traffic purposes? The difference between the illegality of growing for yourself, and that of selling to others, is the penalty. Administrative sanction of 600 euro for personal growing, prison if they decide you were growing to sell.

ACTUAL GOOD ADVICE, ALSO IMPORTANT : Authorities can send you a fine (administrative sanction) by mail, or try to ask you to open the door for them to see the plants. If they ring the doorbell and tell you they have seen your plants and need to come in to take them, IT IS YOUR RIGHT to NOT LET THEM ENTER. They will then try to trick you and blackmail you, and tell you it will be much worse for you if you don't let them come in, they do this to scare people. If they are allowed to get inside your house, you will 100% get a sanction or go to jail if there is enough evidence of trafficking. IMPORTANT : "evidence" of trafficking can be as stupid as a kitchen digital scale, or ziplocks bags that are used in the kitchen. Or whatever they can think of at the moment. They will also check how many people come to your house daily, if there are enough cars coming and going, this is proof of trafficking, which they will then take to a judge. If the judge considers there is indeed proof of trafficking, he will then issue an order with which the agents can get inside your house without your permission (this is called colloquially "patada en la puerta" = kicking the door down). If they take away your cannabis plants, chances are they will weigh them WITH THE POT AND SOIL, AND BUST YOU FOR KILOS EVEN IF YOUR PLANTS ARE STILL VEGGING (this is absolutely real).

But the question of the OP was mostly:
- Can you have 3-4 cannabis plants in the balcony and have no legal issues? Very probably.
- Is Cannabis growing illegal in Spain? Absolutely, 100% illegal.
Thanks for all those clarifications , sure i appreciate ,
i didn' t thought it was like that , very interresting learning ,
beeing in Barcelona visiting clubs few monthes ago , and used to buy clone in Growshops at San sebastian more than a decade ago , i really didn' t imagine it was like that and always thought personnal grow was legal ,

many thanks for all this information !!!

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Not ICMag Donor
Thanks for all those clarifications , sure i appreciate ,
i didn' t thought it was like that , very interresting learning ,
beeing in Barcelona visiting clug few monthes ago , and used to buy clone in Growshops at San sebastian more than a decade ago , i really didn' t imagine it was like that and always thought personnal grow was legal ,

many thanks for all this information !!!

Thanks to you for reading all that lol. Most people in Spain are usually relaxed about weed and many people smoke even in the street etc. And I grew a lot of weed and never had any problems because I was always careful. But I felt it needs to be clear that there are risks, even if not as bad as Japan or other places.


Active member
@bibi40 Sorry but I wrote so much that I highlited the parts I considered most important. If you are actually interested in learning about the spanish law, I trust you will appreciate the effort.

In your post you quoted 1 blog from a seed company, the other one from a grow shop. That is not serious information lol. These businesses move billions of euros a year and are very interested in selling as many seeds as possible. Why would they care to quote the law as it is written, when they can easily propagate the myths that go around on cannabis forums? Do you think they care about people's safety? Or do they care about selling seeds? The answer is pretty obvious. Going to a grow shop or seed seller's website hoping to learn if growing cannabis is legal, is like going to MacDonald's and asking them if their beef is good quality. They will say yes. They are protecting their business, not your rights.

By the way, have you ever gone to a grow shop? Most of the people who work there are barely able to read and write, or tie their shoes, much less qualified to give legal advice on anything.


Cannabis clubs are illegal, and lots of them are closed and others open every day. People who own these businesses spend more time on the phone with their lawyers than their girlfriends.

Talking about lawyers. If I had any doubts about a legal matter, I would definitely not go ask for advice, to a business that makes millions selling seeds and that is controlled by the mafia. I would instead go ask a lawyer. Does this sound fair? Let's see what a real lawyer would say (first result in google):

From this article:

Previous quote, translated by google:

I could go much deeper and quote other articles written by actual lawyers, or go into spanish forums to look for quotes of people who were fucked over by the authorities, but you can do it yourself if you are interested. Again I would advise against trusting grow shops / seed repackaging companies. One thing is going to read a growshop blog to get some advice on how to use nutrients, but trusting them with your legal security would be a poor idea to say the least. Don't trust grow shops, and don't trust seed sellers. They have huge economic interests at stake and don't care about what happens to you. Their employees are not qualified in any way, much less in legal matters.

THe fact that many people grow doesn't mean it's legal. The only thing the authorities need to intervine your cannabis grow, is proof that they are visible from the street/public view. Go on a spanish forum, and ask how many people were busted because a picture taken from the Guardia Civil helicopter, that was considered as proof of the grow being "visible publicly", even if they weren't visible from the street. If they want to fuck you over, they absolutely will. They do this all the time. Growing cannabis in Spain is illegal.

THIS IS IMPORTANT - The main aspect of the law that is subject to interpretation, is: Is there sufficient cannabis being produced to be considered that it is grown for traffic purposes? The difference between the illegality of growing for yourself, and that of selling to others, is the penalty. Administrative sanction of 600 euro for personal growing, prison if they decide you were growing to sell.

ACTUAL GOOD ADVICE, ALSO IMPORTANT : Authorities can send you a fine (administrative sanction) by mail, or try to ask you to open the door for them to see the plants. If they ring the doorbell and tell you they have seen your plants and need to come in to take them, IT IS YOUR RIGHT to NOT LET THEM ENTER. They will then try to trick you and blackmail you, and tell you it will be much worse for you if you don't let them come in, they do this to scare people. If they are allowed to get inside your house, you will 100% get a sanction or go to jail if there is enough evidence of trafficking. IMPORTANT : "evidence" of trafficking can be as stupid as a kitchen digital scale, or ziplocks bags that are used in the kitchen. Or whatever they can think of at the moment. They will also check how many people come to your house daily, if there are enough cars coming and going, this is proof of trafficking, which they will then take to a judge. If the judge considers there is indeed proof of trafficking, he will then issue an order with which the agents can get inside your house without your permission (this is called colloquially "patada en la puerta" = kicking the door down). If they take away your cannabis plants, chances are they will weigh them WITH THE POT AND SOIL, AND BUST YOU FOR KILOS EVEN IF YOUR PLANTS ARE STILL VEGGING (this is absolutely real).

But the question of the OP was mostly:
- Can you have 3-4 cannabis plants in the balcony and have no legal issues? Very probably.
- Is Cannabis growing illegal in Spain? Absolutely, 100% illegal.
hello thank you very much for your answers. my idea is to put 6/8 plants in a box in the garage, to meet my needs of 50/60 grams per month. now it is much clearer to me. in any case, I think to quit getting legal advice from a lawyer. that I will write on the forum to help others. Thanks again


Not ICMag Donor
hello thank you very much for your answers. my idea is to put 6/8 plants in a box in the garage, to meet my needs of 50/60 grams per month. now it is much clearer to me. in any case, I think to quit getting legal advice from a lawyer. that I will write on the forum to help others. Thanks again
Se discreto y no tendrás problemas. Y recuerda llevarte bien con los vecinos.