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ICOF Musical Trivia Thread

(OGOF's will remember (you do, right? :) a thread called this (or something close to this). To continue that thread...)

Who wrote "The First Cut Is The Deepest"?


OK, here's one that fits the forums..."Medicated Goo".

A real bunch of stoner types, too!


Cannabrex Formulator
ME262 said:
OK, here's one that fits the forums..."Medicated Goo".

A real bunch of stoner types, too!

Traffic....that's way too easy.....

Here's one:

Who put out a solo album called "Stratavarious"

remember the rules folks...............no Google!


genkisan said:
Traffic....that's way too easy.....

Here's one:

Who put out a solo album called "Stratavarious"

remember the rules folks...............no Google!

Ding ding ding!

What, no Google...that's my brain, man!

Stratavarious...ummmm...I'm thinkin, but I don't know if I have access to those particular brain cells anymore.


Poof I'm Gone said:
Cat Stevens
Damn, damn, DAMN!!! LMAO! I did not know that and I'm enbarrassed to hell to admit it. I heard Rod Stewart sing it and always thought he wrote it. I mean for like the last, what? Nearly 30 years or so? LOL. Live and learn, eh?

Rod Stewart, right? No shit, cat Stevens, huh? Didn't know that. Paul's brother, hmmm, nope, got me on that. saw the 'ol timer some months ago, not a bad show.
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New member
At last!! I've been trying to get back on here for a couple of days, but I couldn't remember my password or the email I used to join! Hardly ever visited here when OG was going, my brain can't cope with posting at more than one site. :D Quite a few old friends here though. :)

Anyway, back to the point of the thread:
Stratavarious - that's going back a long way Genkisan! I used to have a friend years and years ago who was a big fan of Ginger Baker. Me, I thought he had to have Bruce & Clapton with him to be at his best.

Mike McGear - I suppose the number of hits he had with the Scaffold will depend on where you are. They had 3 or 4 hits here in the UK.

Actually, he was on local TV here a couple of weeks ago talking about his photography of Liverpool and he seems to have gone back to being called Mike McCartney now. I once stood next to him in a lift way back in the sixties. :D (Lift = elevator! )


I am with you on the Cream thing there FPM - they were amazing together. Good to see that you made it out. Rumour had it that there were several old stoners who were too high to find the liferafts before the old ship went down....good to see that you weren't among them!



New member
Hi BB. Makes you wonder how many of the old stoners are still trying to log on to OG and are just gazing at the "unable to connect" screen and thinking "Great post!"


Dam - and I though that nobody had seen me!

It did take a couple of days to realize that wasn't a new post.....probably the AK 47.

Actually, I didn't realize anything was wrong until I tried to give that screen some karma......err.....respect and that little window came up and said "You cannot give the RCMP any more karma today as they have got enough already" !



Flowerpotman said:
Mike McGear - I suppose the number of hits he had with the Scaffold will depend on where you are. They had 3 or 4 hits here in the UK.

Actually, he was on local TV here a couple of weeks ago talking about his photography of Liverpool and he seems to have gone back to being called Mike McCartney now. I once stood next to him in a lift way back in the sixties. :D (Lift = elevator! )
Whoa!! How cool is that? Thanks for the Top of the Pops update, bro. I only ever heard of the one tune, but admittedly I heard it in the mid-late 70s...lol. I'm a tad behind the entertainment news I guess.:yoinks:



Cannabrex Formulator
Flowerpotman said:
At last!! I've been trying to get back on here for a couple of days, but I couldn't remember my password or the email I used to join! Hardly ever visited here when OG was going, my brain can't cope with posting at more than one site. :D Quite a few old friends here though. :)

Anyway, back to the point of the thread:
Stratavarious - that's going back a long way Genkisan! I used to have a friend years and years ago who was a big fan of Ginger Baker. Me, I thought he had to have Bruce & Clapton with him to be at his best.

Mike McGear - I suppose the number of hits he had with the Scaffold will depend on where you are. They had 3 or 4 hits here in the UK.

Actually, he was on local TV here a couple of weeks ago talking about his photography of Liverpool and he seems to have gone back to being called Mike McCartney now. I once stood next to him in a lift way back in the sixties. :D (Lift = elevator! )

Well, now that FPM is in the house, my chance of stumping folks has plummeted by an order of magnitude.

(Digs deep into rusty corners of mind and old stacks of vinyl.......)

Ok FPM, if you kin answer more than half of these without Google, I will without hesitation declare you king of this thread.

If you answer all of them, I will flail and moan in abject despair.

1) In 1979, Polygram Records put out an album called "Reason to Be", with all the songs published by Private Affrairs Enterprises. Who was the artist responsible for this album?

2) Fill in the blanks in the bands name: "The (____) Matchbox (____) Band" and name at least one album by them.

3) Who put out the album "Snakehips Etc" in 1975?

4) A gentleman named Deodato did a cover of Duke Ellington's "Caravan".
On what album does this cover appear, and what is the gentleman's first name?

those four are the normal questions....this one is for extra-super uber-mondo points....if you get this one you are some kinda voodoo wizard mutant wierdo.....

Name the band in which these people appear:

Kid Congo Powers
Patricia Morrison
Murray Mitchell
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New member
Hi Genkisan :wave:
Not Fair!! 1975, 1979? You know my brain lost its ability to absorb any new information after 1970!
But....... Deodato's first name is Eumir. No idea about the album - although I do know he had one called Prelude, so I'll guess that.

As far as the other questions go - no ideas so far, although the Snakehips one does sound familiar. :)