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Announcement ICMag.com Contest - November 2024 WINNERS


Well-known member
@WelderDan you won premium access but you are a veteran, so you already have access to those areas. Do you want the tag you won to be added to your username or you want to gift it to a friend or leave it to another draw so it's given to a new contest player?
In the spirit in which I was gifted the beans, I would like to leave it to another draw so it's given to a new contest winner. Thank you for your hard work


pure dynamite

@LandraceJunkie won:
6 months of "Premium user" access to ICMag, that allows you to check all premium areas of the forum (VIP Lounge, Exclusive Grow Area, Trading Post & ICMag Archive)

@zanie906 won:
6 months of "420club" access to ICMag, that allows you to check some of the premium areas of the forum (VIP Lounge & ICMag Archive)

These prizes were donated by original winners @WelderDan and @toltschok, so others can win them.