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[i wish] THC algae

I've been seeing a lot of algae biodiesel projects lately and it got me to thinking.

How great would it be with weed if you didn't have to worry about managing plant growth, sexing etc., and just concentrate on growing smokable material?

If algae was modified to have the gene inserted for thc production, you could grow in vats. Odor would be much easier to manage. Concentrate production would be easier as the starting material would already be reduced to an easily siftable form. The volume of the vat could be filled with smokeable material.

I was also inspired by this article about the discovery of the thc gene.

Or if it could be inserted into a hardy moss, where it could grow on any surface, and be readily harvestable.


Just a fun thought experiment.

real ting

This sounds horrifying. When the last human weeps and looks out across the vast thc-algae waste pools, he will fall to his knees and sob out one final word, "dymaxion".


Well-known member
thc no good on its own... needs cbds etc, plus many many terpenoids to work properly


why bother with gmo and not just synthesize all the required components? less hassle that way.


i'd say that if you have the resources to do genetic modification, then little chemistry is walk in the park.

..on top that, even if you did manage to do it, the consequences of spreading modified organism without corporate backing could be quite severe.

oh god, i'm no fun.
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Well-known member
how many possible combinations of thc, cbd, and all other cannabinoids, combined with all the different terpenes are there? f'ing billions i would say.
seems like a lot of work/trial and error... far from easy imo


yes that's true, but i'd quess that you could in theory reverse engineer certain combinations from the recognised strains with gas chromatography etc and work from there.


Well-known member
good point. but nature has wrapped all these substances in naturally occurring buds, ready dosed in the correct ratios.... easier to grow a plant.
also thc is illegal anyway, so it dont matter what form its in when your door goes in!


i agree. in my viewpoint the plant is "perfect" the way it is, except the ridiculous legal status.