my border collie was close to the tire as usual ,but then the aussie shep jumped on her ,trying to discipline her) and pushed her under my wheel just as I started to pull forward. I only rolled forward a very short bit then stopped . she was pinned under the tire .I rolled back and she ran off yelping . I called her and she came to me , she had alot of blood drooling and wasnt moving her jaw and her eye was bulging out of the socket badly,not all the way, and her head and ear were a little skinned up. the vet is 1/2 mile away and I know him well . Took her up there and the Doc knocked her out to push her eye back in and take xrays. I think she's gonna be ok but she may lose the use of the injured eye
...... my 10 yo boy was really pissed at me.
waiting to hear from the vet........
update the dog is ok and recovering , no fractures and the eye is back in
waiting to hear from the vet........
update the dog is ok and recovering , no fractures and the eye is back in