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I ran over my dog:(



my border collie was close to the tire as usual ,but then the aussie shep jumped on her ,trying to discipline her) and pushed her under my wheel just as I started to pull forward. I only rolled forward a very short bit then stopped . she was pinned under the tire .I rolled back and she ran off yelping . I called her and she came to me , she had alot of blood drooling and wasnt moving her jaw and her eye was bulging out of the socket badly,not all the way, and her head and ear were a little skinned up. the vet is 1/2 mile away and I know him well . Took her up there and the Doc knocked her out to push her eye back in and take xrays. I think she's gonna be ok but she may lose the use of the injured eye :( ...... my 10 yo boy was really pissed at me.
waiting to hear from the vet........
update the dog is ok and recovering , no fractures and the eye is back in


I'm so sorry to hear that.... I hopes he's gonna be okay. I accidentally let my dog out when I was a kid and watched it get run over and killed..... never quite got over that one.

On the eyesight, my husky has glaucoma and is down to one eye and she hasn't missed a beat....

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Please put your doggies inside or in a kennel when you're coming and going....if she gets close to your tire, then she's always gonna be risking her life around your car. You ran over your dog's face....please don't let it happen again.

I know you didn't post this to be shamed by anyone, but you made everyone read the thread title, so you opened up the discussion...you'll hear more of it I'm sure. Sad mistakes happen, they don't have to keep happening.

Ganja D

I'm so sorry to hear about this, I really hope she's ok. Give the dog a pet behind the ears for me. Best wishes.


Pleasantly dissociated
shit man i feel ya, good luck,my friend ran my dog over last year , fucked him up good, i didnt even speak to that dude for 3 months

Moldy Dreads

Active member
That's a fucked up situation, sorry you had to go through that, but I'd be pissed too if I was the kid, the dogs need to be locked up..Hope he recovers ok..sorry to be so harsh. I ran over someone's cat that was under my tire and I felt like shit, but the house cat was obviously someone's who didn't lock him up and he got out..cats are harder to keep in tho..


Grow Clean.... Go Fast!
I am really sorry to hear this. I can not imagine the grief that I would be going through. But I agree with Miss B. Dogs and cars do not mix. Letting them chase the car, follow the car, etc is NOT acceptable. I know two others personally that have had an "accident" like this with their own pets. I actually called the animal control on a guy that started "running" his dog behind his car through our neighborhood after I first personally confronted him and politely explained that I didn't want to see something happen and he told me to eat shit and die....

Please, do not exercise your dog this way, and do not let them as you come and go from your property. Please.

Again, I am sorry to hear that it happened....


Please put your doggies inside or in a kennel when you're coming and going..you ran over your dogs face

8:00 am and I was already on my 3rd trip down the driveway!
I live in the country ,
Am I supposed to lock up 3 dogs , 3 cats , 11 chickens and the 7 kids every time I have to leave ???

I'm 40 and have had animals all my life ,never had one locked up or on a chain and this is the first time in 32 years of living at this house that this has happened

miss blunted ....nevermind


Please put your doggies inside or in a kennel when you're coming and going....if she gets close to your tire, then she's always gonna be risking her life around your car. You ran over your dog's face....please don't let it happen again.

I know you didn't post this to be shamed by anyone, but you made everyone read the thread title, so you opened up the discussion...you'll hear more of it I'm sure. Sad mistakes happen, they don't have to keep happening.


It wasnt your intent danimal! accidents happen, let's just be optimistic here and say the dog is alive.. id smoke you up if you were here:) toxic to dogs eh? well biscuits galore for him:) hope your day goes better :comfort:

Moldy Dreads

Active member
I'm 40 and have had animals all my life ,never had one locked up or on a chain and this is the first time in 32 years of living at this house that this has happened

That's why they say there is a first time for everything, I don't think she was flaming you although she did come off kinda condescending. Dogs are not like kids and cats who usually know better about cars, it does truly sound like a terrible accident though, and not necessarily your lack of attention.. It's not your fault, but the dogs are dumber than cats and kids usually in regards to car dangers..Hope you guys get over this, sounds so tragic.


anyone who says " you should lock your dog up" in this thread can go fuck a goat!.that being said
thanks for the kind words everyone.
I just called the Doc and the dog is ok , no fractures and the eye is back in and seems undamaged



It wasnt your intent danimal! accidents happen, let's just be optimistic here and say the dog is alive.. id smoke you up if you were here:) toxic to dogs eh? well biscuits galore for him:) hope your day goes better :comfort:

thanks bro

fart star

fuck man! I would hate that. I bet your son was really worried too. At least the dog will live to learn his lessons. My buddy has a one eyed dog that gets along just fine!
Hey mate. Feel your pain I had a dog die in a similar way but far more brutal (I wont even go into it on here I dont need reprimand). People I think the sheer misery of hurting your dog is enough dont you? Is there any need to get stuck into this poor bloke?

Hope your dog gets better man. Farm dogs are just that they dont get chained up constantly.

Wishing the best for you and you dog man!
Danimal, this shit happens - ITS NOT YOUR FAULT MAN!!

My neighbors dog is a maltese mix and it runs - FULL DAMN SPEED right when it gets out the front door (it listens to the owner but is kind of in it's own world) and it goes full steam at the hubcaps of cars when they drive down the hill. He got ran over.

My buddies boxer loved the garage and would get sad when my buddy would leave the house in his car and always used to walk around the car when he was reversing. Kind of like "NO, DON'T LEAVE or LOOK AT ME, PET ME". My buddy always had to tie him up and his wife would untie him when she woke up but one day his wife was out of town and he couldn't keep the dog tied up all day while he worked so he reversed out of the garage and - CRUNCH - ran right over the dogs front left foot and broke it from the elbow down.

Shit happens man, you don't mean to do it, if you meant to hurt your dog, you would have just taken the damn dog in the backyard and put a shotgun to its face. It's not your fault man!! The dog probably still loves you and doesn't know where the hell its at right now.